Version Differences
7 years ago
Maryland, USA

After doing some research this is the list of notable differences between versions of LK2.

[USA|NTSC] ¤LizardMan can hit 2 times ¤MechaPult can hit 3 times ¤Mechapult attacks faster ¤Ruldo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Upper Chambers Rewards can be skipped by aborting ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by aborting or fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water and walk around freely.

[EUR|PAL50] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Rudlo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections ¤In-game timer runs 16.6% slower than all other versions! (does not seem effect gameplay)

[EUR|PAL60] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Ruldo Forest Cutscene can be walked around ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections

[JAP|NTSC] ¤LizardMan can hit 1 time ¤MechaPult can hit 2 times ¤Lower Chambers Rewards can be skipped by fainting ¤Out of Bounds near water but stuck in water sections ¤Can use L and R to change regions ¤Shows card rewards after mission complete and picking cards (can not skip) ¤Leaving or restarting a level costs money ¤Different monsters on certain maps ¤Ruldo Forest different map layout ¤Holzogh different map layout ¤Plains of Rowhal different chests ¤Kendari soliders use different cards ¤Alanjah Castle different map (soliders fainted) ¤Different npc to unlock Whyt ¤Leod fights differently ¤Some cards have different costs

I'm sure there are more, but this is the list I got so far. Many Credits to bulbipop for a lot of this!

With all this being said, I feel the game needs a category per version due to how different each one is. If we do region based it should also be noted to change to real time instead of in-game time since there is major in-game time saves for pal50 for no noticeable changes in gameplay...

please share your thoughts and opinions :)

NOTE: still looking into differences between load times for emulators vs discs

Modifié par MooseEatsBear 7 years ago
bulbipop et MooseEatsBear aime ceci
United States

Version separate categories are a-go.

7thArmstrong aiment ceci
Maryland, USA

Awesome! Thanks :D

Maryland, USA

This list really needs to be updated :D

xenolark aiment ceci
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