Recommended and optional programs
4 years ago
Texas, USA

I just wanted to make a post for those wondering about ISOs and what not. Besides livesplit and OBS, I use an iso of the game now instead of my disc as it runs so much cleaner, and faster and (so far) much less crashing. And optionally if you want to, I also use a program called cursor lock that locks my cursor to the game window. If you think that might get annoying, just press the windows key to get out of it and do what you need to do, once you're back in LI2 it'll lock it back up. Also it only locks in LI2. if I start using something new, or need to make changes, I'll come back to this.

Recommend Iso:

Recommend Daemon lite(Use this to run iso through. You can just use the free version):

Optional cursor lock:

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
WiiSuper aiment ceci
Texas, USA

Updated as I realized I used the wrong link for daemon lite.

WiiSuper aiment ceci
Queensland, Australia

on modern versions of windows. double clicking the iso file will mount it. no additional programs requiared

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