Publié 2 years ago par

Hello all! I recently took over LMS on and wanted to share some updates and rule changes with you all.

Run Verification

Previously, no run verification was enabled, and plenty of individual levels had incorrect or unverifiable runs. I have updated the boards to require video submissions. This is both so everyone can be sure the runs on the board are correct and fair, and so that if we ever change the rules in the future, we can potentially re-time the runs. I grandfathered in any runs that I could.

Run Timing Change

We've unfortunately discovered that the in-game timer in Free Mow mode is not always accurate. Some levels it is, sometimes, but often the timer will stop counting internally for no apparent or obvious reason, and will show times that are minutes faster than the actual level.

To address this, but still try to make timing runs accessible and easier than counting frames in a video editor, we've updated the rules to time from the start of you gaining control over your character to the frame your level percentage goal is complete. Luckily, if you leave the countdown timer on, this is a simple calculation: subtract your final remaining time from the level limit, and we have a consistent approach to timing.

For example, if the Free Mow level I'm attempting has a limit of 20 minutes, and my remaining time stops at 12:25 when I hit 99.5% (or whatever the goal is), my submitted time would be 7:35.

For quick reference, I added the level time limit to the rules for each level. I've also gone through and re-timed the runs with this new rule. It's unfortunate that it doesn't include the time putting away the mower and getting into the truck, but because the "time remaining" doesn't include this, timing and verification would be much harder, so we're leaving that out for now.

Community Discord Forum

Rather than create a whole Discord for just LMS speedrunning, I've been graciously provided a channel on the official LMS Discord for speedrunning questions and discussion. Please join their server @ and look for the #speedrunning channel.

DLC Levels Added

I've added boards for each of the four levels from the Ancient Britain and Dino Safari DLCs. I've also ordered the levels in the order they appear in the game, other than grouping them by base game and each DLC pack. Hopefully this makes it easier to see which level you want to target for attempts.

SRC Updates

I've added a theme for this game, including a background, colors, etc. If you all have any other ideas for how to make this game more fun or more accessible, including guides, resources, or category ideas, please share them in the Discord.

Okay, I think that's it from me! Enjoy this silly speed game and let me know in the Discord if you have any questions or concerns. Happy mowing!

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Publié 3 years ago par
  1. All run should be done in free play mode.
  2. You are able to use any mower and trimmer.
  3. Time is recorded with the in-game timer (time is shown at the end of the run).

More rules may be added in the future. Rules are still in progress...

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Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Rules and Community Update

Hello all! I recently took over LMS on and wanted to share some updates and rule changes with you all.

Previously, no run verification was enabled, and plenty of individual levels had incorrect or unverifiable runs. I have updated the boards to require video sub

2 years ago
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Westwell Castle (Parade Ground)
Niveau: 62 Coville Street (Garden)
Niveau: 64 Coville Street (Rear Lawns)
Niveau: 59 Coville Street (Garden Lawns)
Niveau: Kingsbury House (Garden)
Derniers fils de discussion
Publié 2 years ago
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Publié 2 years ago
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