New %

Hey Kirby fans so let’s make the percent 1level% and like I do make 1 level speed runs so watch mine

It is silent by the way

Östergötland, Sweden

Like an Independent Level leaderboard?

SpeedIn aiment ceci

1 level% confusion probably comes from sm64 where you have the 'single star' speedruns which are kind of like IL's but for individual stars

Basque Country

lol 2 years old post

yea this is basicaly purposing individual levels, which seemingly isn't a thing in the SRC LBs of this game

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USB Keyboard Ruling Update

So, uh, this was something I meant to post after it was made official and forgot to do in a timely manner. Sorry for that. Anyways, this is something that's already been in effect for just over a week, but in the event it hasn't been seen: The topic came back up and we've decided to allow for USB ke

2 years ago
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Publié 10 months ago
3 réponses
Publié 1 year ago
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