minigame rng
6 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Has anyone figured out how the minigames rng works? For example, the game where you want to get 2 numbers that add to 7, or the memory game... if it was based on point value or anything, that would definitely simpify things. Didn't see anything in the TAS notes so I was going to look into it, but figured I'd see if anybody already did. :)


I have absolutely no idea! Any info about it would be great. All the minigames apart from the last one only seemed to have a few set patterns. The last one is hell though, too many variations to account for manually when I tried figuring it out back in the day.


So I looked into it and figured out the hundredths score digit + your lives count are what influence the patterns you receive in the bonus games!

Massachusetts, USA

Awesome. Thanks for the info. That was the one thing stopping me from picking it up more seriously. The cool thing is that it was chosen for big 20 so the leaderboard should see some love in the next month :)

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