3 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I got nostalgic for Kirby 64 but i no longer have the 20th anniversary wii game and both of my wiis can’t read discs anymore so I’m suck with EMU but can’t post runs


Why emulator is banned?

NeoKad aiment ceci

Can any mods explain this??

NeoKad aiment ceci
Colorado, USA

The main reasoning (at least for N64 emulators) is that they don't run accurately and have problems with graphical glitches. Dolphin is probably the best bet but has not been looked into very deeply as far as I'm aware.

United States

I got back into running it for fun on emu (since I don't have a way to capture it on 64 or wii) and was curious about the rules myself. To my eye the game runs fine on Retroarch besides some textures being a bit jank. I wish there was an Emu category or something.

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