I got a pretty slow time due to a combination of glitching and straight lack of skill on EZ mode (I'm an EZR mode speedrunner mainly). The Screen Recorder makes the game lock up sometimes and kinda throws it into a state where whatever keys are pressed down at that moment stay down for like a second, and that killed me more than a few times, but there was also my stupid mistakes that I made. Although to the speedrunners watching this there are a few tricks that I do that you could see, especially in the speed branch in the final challenge room and in the first room with the slow speed, how I don't jump all of the way to the other side when collecting the normal speed, and you don't have to either with the fast speed one at the top but you can if you want to. It's a bit riskier. I hope this gets approved, as it does run (at least what Screencastify says) at 30 fps, but it does have an intermittent recording, so if it does then okay if it doesn't then that sucks but oh well. This is a real attempt, with a video..? not just a picture. -CC/Mathematics187