Category Changes
3 years ago
Bretagne, France
Super modérateurTomygood
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Hey everyone, I made some changes about two of the Full-Game categories. Here are all the changes in details :

   - Any% now has 3 subcategories : Unrestricted (which allows everything), No Majors Skips (which bans skips only) and No Major Skips/Glitches (which bans both skips and glitches) (Tell me if you think of a better name for this subcategory the current one might be a little confusing). Rules have been specified for each of the new subcategories

  - Any% (no major skips) has been removed from the leaderboards and every of its runs have been moved to Any% in the subcategory No Major Skips/Glitches. 

  - All the former-Any% runs have been moved to Any% Unrestricted.

I felt like it would be a interesting idea to have a category to allows glitches but bans skips . The former category Any% (nms) and its rules were judged too confusing so I decided to make it clearer for everyone. If you have any suggestions (subcategory changes, name changes, rules clarifications, changes...) or questions, feel free to tell me, I'd love to hear what you think about these changes.

Tomygood - 12/03/2020

Jupiin et nonresidue aime ceci
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