Run reviews
4 years ago

Hey everyone, in an effort to help other players improve I've done some reviews of recent PBs which I'm sharing here in case anyone wants to watch.

R30hedron's Frozen Titans 12:57: RooseSR's Frozen Titans 12:24:

If anyone wants me to go over their runs and point out mistakes and give specific dedicated feedback by all means feel free to ask, I'd be happy to see better times on the boards.

R30hedron et LaFayette aime ceci
Texas, USA

I definitely recommend taking advantage of this, even just watching a few minutes into his review of my run has already shown great insight and I can't wait to watch the rest later!

New York, USA

I'd love it! I just managed to hit my goal of a sub 14 on Frozen Titans, and I'm working on Zenith, but I'm getting stuck at 15:00. This is my PB from yesterday.


@ Reibello: I've watched a few of your runs, I think you stand to gain a lot from just playing more at the moment. You're at a point where 1 hour of training your fingers and mind will do a lot more good than 1 hour of listening to advice; I can help with the deep cuts but you need fundamentals, and those are just about playing the game a bunch and getting comfortable moving your mechs. Right now you should just focus on killing all the vek consistently and blocking on 2 turns to go as much as you can. When that's cleaned up and your brain can keep up with the pace of the game you can then continue to keep pushing it with deeper and deeper knowledge, but for now you should probably just play a lot and focus on the simple stuff

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
LaFayette et Reibello aime ceci

A quick sidenote that I suppose is worth bringing up - you can practice your mouse control and accuracy with quick games like minesweeper or's aim trainer. (Or plenty of other things, but these two are free and available easily in browsers).

If you're struggling with actually moving your mechs in a rapid manner, those kinds of games can get you hyperfocused on that skill specifically (minesweeper also has the pattern recognition part mixed in, but it's not too hard to learn if you're so inclined). Decision making and game knowledge can be taught, but the actual mouse movement is actual mechanical challenge that you'll need to practice and these places can be good for that. Playing ItB is actually also good for that but those games can be good if you want to practice that thing specifically. It's not something you need to become a god at either, but you do want to be good enough to be able to blitz out moves without taking time after each move in case you missclick or anything like that.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
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