Time Skip Discovery (Possibly CD-ROM exclusive but unconfirmed) (Updated August 2024)
Time Skip Discovery (Possibly CD-ROM exclusive but unconfirmed) (Updated August 2024)
Mis à jour 5 months ago par MIEBER

I have just verified ztarplatinum 's All 3 Worlds Round 1 run and it turns out there is a way to skip some of the cutscenes in this game. I have no idea if this works for the Big Fish version, but this is confirmed to work in the ROM version of the game.

Originally, the Alt+Tab strategy was discovered by ztarplatinum, but spingebib_614 explains his faster strategy in the forums using a program called snip & sketch and the PrtScr key instead.

NOTE: These exploits are banned in Skipless runs.

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Adding new Variable

This should've been done around a year ago and it's my bad for not realizing this might be an issue, even though this leaderboard has been largely inactive.

I added a variable that determines whether runs are skipless or not. Considering the most recent 100% run being much faster than skipless runs

6 months ago
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