any% Guide | Full Glitch
1 year ago
Hampshire, England

Yo, so Son1x asked me for a guide for the any% run so here goes:

Start of the game: After you wake up you're going to want to grab the chair from the room you wake up in and take it with you downstairs and outside near the main building you head towards as part of the story. Whilst still outside you're going to perform a Prop Fly, you perform this by grabbing an item that you can collide with (in this case the chair you took) and whilst holding it, you'll want to use your "Throw Object" keybind (Default: L-Click) and your "Action" keybind (Default: E) on pretty much the same frame/at the same time.

If done correctly you will have the item in your hand but will be colliding with the item as you try to walk along. From here you'll want to look down and crouch, after that use your "Rotate Object" keybind (Default: R) I highly recommend putting it on your scroll wheel as sometimes it won't work first time, with scroll wheel it'll allow for a single activation per knotch of your scroll wheel. From there you should be floating up ontop of the prop. Make your way all the way up towards the teleporter that sends you to the next level.


  • To control the prop once you're on it all you need to really do is walk ever so slightly on it, you can do this whilst crouched or stood up
  • When you stand up on the prop fly, you will go significantly faster up but it is harder to control so I recommend staying crouched till you're used to it.

Institute: Honestly on this level, there's not a lot of time we can save. I'm trying to find new ways myself of breaking this level since it's the only level that I feel we can do something on. There is a small time save at the start if ESC is spammed pretty much which skips a small part of the intro cutscene (saves around 5 seconds)

Old Streets: From the door head left on the floor will be an ammo crate, grab it, it's the closest box to the entrance (RIP box next to the bike before patch 1.2) go towards the water and jump in BUT hug the wall, if done correctly you should phase through the wall, that's good. Now head towards the end of the level pretty much, you'll figure out your own route but go very careful, there are a couple of killboxes near the water parts, if you're still holding the crate whilst in a killbox it WILL brick your game till you reset so be ready to reset if you're testing a route. If in doubt you can always watch my run to watch a route that is possible. (NOTE: My run was downpatched to patch 1.1, the box that I use will NOT be in patch 1.2/1.3). As for how to get up to the train tracks, perform another prop fly with the ammo crate but with the ammo crate you can't really just crouch and put it below you, you'll have to look down and jump onto the crate itself, it'll take a couple jumps to get right but once it's done, it's the same as before, just control it and make your way up into the loading screen.

Canal: This one is pretty simple, just grab the ammo crate from the bit below the starting area, perform another prop fly with the ammo crate up to the lever that opens the gate and get back onto the train onto the next level.

NOTE: In my run I take a different approach to the train ride, I get off the train after a certain part by setting up a prop fly that allows the player to phase through the train and then I proceed to fly to the exit since it is slightly faster than using the train itself.

Forest/Chapel: Nothing can really be done here to save time I don't think. Maybe a prop fly over the bushes but idk how high their bounding boxes are and idk if it'd be faster but I encourage you to break the game more! :)

Thank you for taking the time to read, best of luck in your runs and here's to breaking the game more!

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago

Many thanks for writing this up. Looking forward to running this game :)

Foxxert aiment ceci
Hampshire, England

no worries fam, glad to have someone run the game again!

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happy running :)

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