Discussion about Categories
3 years ago

So a few things:

(IL= Individual Level)

  1. Time Attack (IL) can a non switch player tell me if they see a jay on the track "Ready, Set, Go!" on global leaderboard on 3rd place? that way i can tell if the in game board is for every console together or not, just you know. Probably make it a category either way.

  2. Quick Race (IL) only problem i have here is what should be the timing method? In game time can be inaccurate cause after you are done with a race, it wont tell you the total in game time, only the best lap. RTA will be inaccurate with ms too so still unsure what to do here.

  3. Hot wheels city rumble (Full game Leaderboard) timing method? id like to do RTA, problem: the different loading times accross the consoles, dont know how heavy they are. maybe someone can make a timer that only runs during gameplay. And about the categories itself: i would split into 9/9 Secrets uncovered, 5/5 Boss Races, 32/32 Time Attacks, 52/52 Quick Races and 100% (doing everything on the board).

United States
  1. It has been some time since you asked, but I do not see you at 3rd place or even within the top 10. (I don't know your exact time so I can't check the entire board) My suggestion would to be for the different consoles to make them as separate categories only because there might be things (i.e. bugs, shortcuts, etc) that might not be available on platforms.

  2. I think that there should be a SRC Variable for best lap and then total time. Total time obviously being the time it took to complete the entire race which can be easily calculated by adding the IGT of each lap (which might be slightly inaccurate, can be easily checked by going frame-by-frame in YT or an editing software to see the final time for each lap).

  3. For this as well I think IGT would be the best bet as finding total times in each race would be more accurate than RTA and, as you said, loading times across consoles may vary. (Plus quality of computer [if on PC] might also effect these loading times.)

Might I also suggest a Variable for Car (i.e. Roller Toaster, Tricera-Truck) because obviously each car has different stats and are not all built the same. Maybe also a different category for modified/unmodified cars as there is also a huge difference between the two?

Also, if you're looking for another mod hmu.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Jaaay aiment ceci

Thanks for your thoughts on it.

Okay so that means every console has their own in game leaderboards. so you mean there should be a Variable in Time Attack of the different consoles? is it usual that some things dont work on other consoles in other games? but the in game leaderboard is already for the console so i think it is better to just have everyone at one board, it is easier tell who is the fastest and who not but there is probably not everyone submitting their time anyway, so maybe we can get some people of every console who can send me the top leaderboards every month and we could post/add them to the SRC leaderboard? depending on how active this game speedrunning wise will be which i dont know yet.

Yep i agree, i'll add a variable for best lap

yeah, i think it is the best for city rumble to start on a already played file and just do the 5/5 boss races (for example) as fast as possible, because i dont know if you can easily create an account on other consoles without losing your data from main account

i'll add car variable, i dont know if it is neccessary to make different categories for modified/unmodified. I'll think about it, first id like to finish main stuff. if you mean modified/unmodified category in city rumble, good idea, but is there a way to get standard stats back from a car you modified? if you only can sell the car and get it back for it to be umodified should be a annoying proccess. so im unsure

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

So, I guess ILs are different on PC. There is no full race. Time attack just goes on endlessly and you keep trying to get the best lap time you can.

I am very glad there's a page here for this game as there seems to be some pretty evident cheating going on on the in-game leaderboard. Requiring video evidence in a place like SRC would help prevent that kind of thing. I understand the fastest way to run a course may involve going out of bounds, but from what I saw on an impossibly fast time for a ghost, it seems other things are at play. I think a good rule to have up front is, if an IL involves going out of bounds, the video needs to include how the out of bounds trick was achieved.

Jaaay aiment ceci
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I would be happy to help moderate, if you like. I'm a mod on some Ridge Racer boards and have gone through the wringer on fine-tuning rules, categories, and variables to make them as fair and accessible to everyone as possible.

Having a Discord specifically for speedrunning this game would help a lot too.

Jaaay aiment ceci

wait, there is cheating already? yeah we could split time attack in out of bounds/no out of bounds if there are a lot tracks with it

guys, please dont ask for mod, i'll pick one or more when i see who is active and enjoys the game. Discord is a good idea, if someone wants to help me out with that i would appreciate it!

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Oh, I don't think it's necessary to split it, but here's what I'm talking about. In the Ready, Set, Go! 1st place ghost on PC, the ghost is not there at the starting line at all, can be seen all over the place during the race, and is still around doing stuff after the time they've supposedly crossed the finish line.

maybe a bug? what is his time?

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Like 21 seconds

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Like, the game definitely has intentional shortcuts and I'm sure there are all kinds of exploits to be found, but this didn't seem to be that.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Jaaay aiment ceci
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

So, I started looking through the full run categories and rules and have some suggestions.

  1. Save the runners and mods a huge amount of time and effort by using RTA for full game runs and Quick Race ILs. IGT makes sense only for Time Attack lap times because it's the only time the IGT is clearly displayed and easy to moderate.
  2. Maybe some GP-equivalent Quick Race runs? Like Basement GP etc, where you just run the 8 or 9 levels of one location in a row? Those would probably have some good lengths for full runs people would be interested in attempting without a huge time investment.
Jaaay et Walgrey aime ceci

so not sure about RTA in Quick Race but full game runs yeah it should be better


West Yorkshire, England

Not fully read all the forms, just skimmed while at work and im buzzong for the diffrent catagories but, as a runner, having an individual page for each car (modified or unmodified) is a bit much. We would have to many things to keep track off ranking wise and searching for specific race would be annoying. Depending how easy it is to require an unmodded car after modding/selling, id assume jus having 1 set of IL records would be fine and if in future, more splits are needed, then sure. Also, console splits for full runs would be great. So many full runs in certain games have them lumped together but pc players have advantages console players dont and not everyone has a set up for RTA with no loading screens being timed on console.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Jaaay aiment ceci

yep i agree i rather would split IL in shortcut/no shortcut cause from what i have seen, there are some crazy shortcuts. trying to set up an discord where we can discuss all of this better. so i should split all the full game runs in PC, Switch, Playstation and xbox variables?

Pervy_Hoodie aiment ceci
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Agreed that it should definitely not be split by car. There's 68 cars now and who knows how many more are coming. Plus, the cars are pretty well-balanced in this game. The stats make it look like some are just way better than others, but when you factor in boost and how little the difference in speed and acceleration is between 1 & 5 bars, sometimes even the upgrades on a single car are pretty comparable to the unupgraded version.

Jaaay aiment ceci
United States

My car suggestion was not to have a different category for each different car because that would be quite literally insane with the number of available cars. What I meant was to make the car a variable which allows people looking at the leaderboard to see what car someone used in a run.

For example, in the Valorant Speedrunning board we have multiple different categories and sub-categories which all effect where the run gets placed but we also have the variables which don't effect the run such as "Agent Used" and "Weapon Used." This is what I meant when I said having a variable for different car types.

Now, a different category for modified vs unmodified cars: I still think this is a good idea as once a car is modified to the max they perform similarly. However, unmodified cars do not perform that similar as their stats have a larger variation than their modified counterparts.

Jaaay aiment ceci
West Yorkshire, England

If you split full run's to different types of consoles, it makes it more open for new or low budget runners like myself to partake and have via competition vs one console dominating because of an advantage/exploit.

For example, borderlands 2 full runs and lumped together but only pc players run it as console players are at a huge disadvantage with the pc's extra functionality and with all the loading screens, low budget runners are dead last out of the gate if they are on console with no auto splitter

Jaaay aiment ceci

i mean you could just filter platforms, is making variables for PC, PS, Xbox and switch needed? i think that would fill the board too much

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Considering there's a single full game run so far and nobody has seen advantages of one platform over another, it just doesn't make sense to split them up currently

FMCCC, Jaaay, et Walgrey aime ceci
Statistiques du jeu
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Newest Patch removed faster boost recharge glitch

There was a glitch accidentally added to the game before the newest patch where you would recharge the boost faster than before. since this was not a intention by developers and didnt stay in the game i have to remove some times unfortunately, because they are almost unlikely to beat without this gl

2 years ago
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