Start Time Changes
Start Time Changes
Publié 9 months ago par

In November, Cosmic found a character select animation skip which can be used throughout the run including in the very first character select of the game where time starts. This new trick made retiming runs harder and more inconsistent so the mod team have made the decision to move the start time of the run to:

"Timing starts on the first complete black frame on the fadeout after character selection"

This was done for ease of consistency and accuracy. The new timing saves 1.9 seconds and all runs have been updated to this new start time.

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Updates regarding rules around run recordings

Hey everyone. Today we have a small update for you all regarding some changes to the rules regarding recordings of runs.

For a long, long time now it has been a requirement for PC runs to have both clear visuals of the game throughout the entire run (so not hiding any game HUD elements or FPS count

6 months ago