Unsure of how to tittle this tbh
6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hey! id like to preface this by saying I'm new here to this website and I'm not fully aware of the rules for forum posts or if its different for each game or category, BUT I did have some questions and stuff id like feedback on if its ok to make that kind of post. If not please let me know if there's a way for me to get the answers I'm looking for!

Anyways let's get on with it. First off for this harvest moon game, I noticed there is no marriage category...? is that because there are no runners willing to run a marriage route? or is there some other reason? because I'm debating starting a Gil marriage run and I'm in the middle of getting notes and stuff ready for a test, when I noticed it wasn't a category to submit to.

I also noticed that for the any% it says emulation is not allowed is that only for the any%? or would that carry over to any other or future categories? I currently don't have any kind of recording device for the real hardware version of the game and had planned for emu, but that could be an issue if it's not allowed for this games run categories.

If anyone who knows or maybe a mod could fill me in on this type of info I would greatly appreciate it!


There's currently no marriage category on the leaderboard purely because nobody has ran it yet. Currently emulator is banned for both of the wii games due to the inaccuracy of the emulators, this can be changed to fit in with the rules of other games in the series where emulators aren't totally accurate, in which emulators are allowed but hidden by default.

KiwisCorner aiment ceci
Ontario, Canada

ahh ok thank you for the info!

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