Glossary of Glitches and Techniques
Glossary of Glitches and Techniques
Mis à jour 8 years ago par Onin

Cutscene skips To skip the intro cutscene, either press ABXY+LT+RT on gamepad, or write /skip on PC. Pillar activation cutscenes and module activation cutscenes can be cut short by teleporting away. The cutscenes where the shadow attacks you, which occur upon opening the 4th module, can be skipped by quitting and reloading as soon as the auto-save icon appears. Be quick, though, doing it too slow can softlock your game or make annoying music play forever.

Barrier Clip Several fights in the game spawn barriers that are supposed to trap you. Dashing into one of these barriers as it's forming gets you caught inside of its collision. While inside any collision, you're freely able to move out of bounds anywhere you want. Once you touch ground without collision, this effect stops. You will still fall down pits.

Applications: West: To the right of the teleporter, the second module can be reached with a barrier clip. North: The second module, on the left side of the mountain, is reached with a barrier clip. (Video) (Works on versions 1.1 and earlier) South: Using a barrier clip, the 1-module door on the right side can be entered from behind.

Crystal Clip The crystals in the west can lock you in place if they spawn on top of you. If they manage to catch you during a bonk animation, the game seems to forget your height. In this state, sitting down causes you to fall through the floor. If you can fall through the floor while the crystal respawns back on top of you, you can get caught in its collision, and go out of bounds, as above.

To activate the glitch, destroy a crystal, then start chain dashing as soon as it starts to flicker for respawns. You should get caught bonking. From there, break out of the crystal, then either step off it for a split second before sitting down, or dash drop off it (see below).

Applications: At the crossroad, before the Anubis cutscene, either of the crystals on the top side can be used to go OOB to the north, and enter the back side of the area. This way you can reach the west pillar without fighting Greybeard. The first elevator can be skipped by instead crystal clipping at the bottom-left of the screen. (Video)

Low-height Clip A variant of the crystal clip. To set up low-height, first let a crystal interrupt your bonk animation, then break it again, and let it interrupt your falling animation from sitting (don't dash-drop). This disjoints your position and allows you to dash through most obstacles. Falling down a pit resets your low-height. [NOTE: As of the 4/6 beta patch, this no longer works. You can setup low height on crystal bugs, but it's very inconsistent.]

Applications: The second west module can be reached easier by going low-height and passing through the area. The area with the fourth module can be passed through much faster with low-height. Be careful not to fall in any pits.

Dash Dropping Stand at a ledge, then input dash+sit. You will plummet off the edge. What makes this useful is that your pathing is considered normal in this state, which allows you to hit loading zones, trigger buttons, and perhaps activate elevators, etc.

Applications: North: On the right side of the 10-key door building, there's a small hole you can dash drop off into the room. It contains 2 gearbits. (Video) (Works on versions 1.1 and earlier) South: After the second module, the door guarded by 2 robots can be dash dropped into from the side. (Video)

Door Clipping On some doors in the game, it is possible to clip into the walls as soon as they open, by walking into the door and quickly moving to the side. This only works on the vertical doors.

Applications: Skipping the cut scene after exiting the house at the start of the game, and going straight north. (Video)

Air Dashing (or Damage Boosting) By taking damage in mid-air, your dash can be reset, allowing you to dash twice to cover large distances over pits.

Applications: East: Left of the door to Frogger, the ninja frog can be manipulated to allow an air dash to the other side, skipping Frogger completely.

Plinking Probably not a glitch, but very useful. Most gun shots can be cancelled into a sword slash. Most enemies can be very quickly killed by plinking a pistol shot into a slash. The final boss is especially vulnerable to plink-swapping: plink with the shotgun, swap guns, plink with pistol, swap guns, etc.

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