half life resolution comands?
European Union

i really need it cause when in launching half life the resolution is 640x480 and the screen to small and i cant reach the video button


Here are more "set launch options" commands that can be used for video. -fullscreen : no framed window -windowed : game will be in a framed window -stretchaspect : removes frame from around a window -gl : open_gl graphics rendering -software : CPU graphic rendering +gl_vsync 0 : turns off verical Synch in open_gl rendering (can improve FPS) -nofbo : this turns off some advance rendering in open_gl (can improve FPS) -nomsaa : turns off AA ;Anti-Aliasing (can improve FPS) -w 800 : width screen resolution size (other sizes can be used) -h 600 : height screen resolution size (other sizes can be used)

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