How to speedrun this game
How to speedrun this game
Mis à jour 5 years ago par tendog

So I heard you want to run HYP! that's pretty cool. allow me to be your guide through this strange speedrun

This game can be broken down into 3 major sections: Discovery Days, Play Days, and Daring Days (and a couple things after Daring Days but ill explain later)

keep in mind you will need 20100P by the end of Daring Days to reach the credits

notes about movement:

don't just walk around with the control stick. you should always be sprinting and strafing whenever you have the chance to move around. to strafe, use the C left/right buttons. to sprint, tap and hold the control stick upwards. this will save you tremendous amounts of time and make it easier to complete days like cobalt.

Starting with Discovery Days:

Day 1: just talk to pika whenever the game lets you. theres no special voice lines here. when pika comes up to you, you can send the 3 voice commands out as fast as you want, the bubbles will never pop.

Day 2: to wake up pikachu, say "pikachu" after that greet pikachu with "good morning" when pikachu wants you to guess what he's holding, guess incorrectly (pikachu eats an apple slowly if you guess correctly) make sure to actually say "goodbye" when prompted as pika is walking away and is curious about you, say anything to him. its a bit faster.

Day 3: (picnic) get 4 ingredients fast as possible, mushrooms and acorns sometimes don't work so don't use them

put your cursor over the ingredient you want pika to pick up and say the name of the ingredient, then say "sure" to get magnemite to take it away

980P for any tasty stew 780P for any "regular" stew 200P for any weird stew 100P for mystery stew

it actually saves about 5-7 seconds to make a "regular" stew, beceause the animation afterwards is really short. it also makes you a good amount of money. to make a "regular" stew, your ingredients must NOT include all 3 of bulbasaurs requests (onion, carrot, wild herb) and must NOT include sweet potato.

at the end of this day and the following 3 days, pikachu will walk to your house and you get to say one more thing to him before the day is over. if you say "i hate you" or "electric rat" instead of "goodbye", you will save 5 seconds each day

Day 4: (springleaf 1) you can't do anything to speed this up lol. its 4 minutes every time

Day 5: (caterpies) alert pika to any blue caterpies and when hes under the tree say "thunder bolt". i think you want to make sure to alert pika and feed the caterpies as fast as possible to end the day sooner. if you successfully feed the hungry caterpies you get a 5000P ruby. if you fail this day, you will HAVE to redo it. you cannot get to the ending without getting the ruby.

Day 6: (fishing) this part has some mean RNG. you need to catch all the fish or you will be way behind on money. just say "reel it in" as soon as theres a fish on the line. sometimes you just dont reel anything in, and that counts as a failure. if you are successful you get a 5000P fishing flag

Day 7: (toolbox) just follow the on screen instructions. make sure to say "hello" when prompted to pika after looking left and right. when you need to walk over to pika hold C left + up on the control stick for optimal movement. then pika will take your toolbox and run away. as soon as you gain control, hold C right + up and corner pikachu if you can. you will need to catch him 4 times to progress.

Play Days:

to complete play days: -visit springleaf -finish a day on cobalt island -talk to squrtle in olivine

i don't think the order matters but springleaf -> cobalt -> olivine is what works best for me

springleaf 2: go to abras shop while you are here. get pika to buy something inexpensive, just say "sure" when hes looking at something cheap. after you're out of the shop you can open up your PokeHelper and go home

cobalt: to get to the island you need to successfully hit the pinata at least 2 out of 3 tries. it's faster to just fail one on purpose. say "there" when you want pika to swing. say "left/right" or "further left/right" to redirect pikachu (his left/right, not yours). you can also say "over here" to get pika to come towards you. if pika is trying to swing when you dont want him to say "no"

when you are at the campsite just say "thunder bolt" to kill the haunter and anything you want to put pika to sleep

then you will go to cobalt island. you need to stay the whole day to progress. it is a good idea to use this time to pick up as much as you can to sell at the end of the day. there are 4 bananas (which pika will try to take for himself and eat) and 5 spiny shells which you can throw against the wall a few times to get more valuable beach nuts. if you don't put them away in your toolbox you don't get to sell them. also, you need to open at least 1 chest to be able to progress. just tell put your cursor over a chest and alert pika with something like "here" and he will see it. be careful saying "treasure" because, at least for me, the game interprets that as "thunder" most of the time. the day can take longer than normal if pika is trying to open a treasure chest/trying to give you a treasure so avoid that when the day is ending.

olivine: all you need to do here is get to squirtle as fast as possible. make sure to use Cright/left to strafe if you need to. to get to him, follow the boardwalk to the right and turn left when you see a big rock.

next day when you wake up you will be greeted by oak. follow his instructions to get to oak's special training

oak's special training: as soon as you can, tell pika "cave" with your cursor on the cave. then when he's on the other side and looking at the apple, put your cursor on it and say "thunder bolt". once he brings it back and you can move around its just another 4 minute wait. you can pick the items magnemite drops here if you're short on pika points. just don't tell pika to go back into the cave, it seems like this can cause the day to take extra long.

Daring Days:

entrance to daring days is located out brown door and to the left

to complete daring days: -prevent pika from going to a diglett while trying to water an oddish in springleaf 3 -complete caring for caterpie 2 in viridian -thunder bolt a haunter in olivine

order shouldnt matter, i do it as listed

springleaf 3: find an oddish, NOT a strange radish. oddishes wiggle and dont have wrinkled leaves, but they look pretty similar. don't get too close to any of them, real oddishes will run away. also, don't go near the spinning flowers called "doze". pikachu will keep getting dizzy and you can't easily escape them. when you find one, tell pika to look at it by putting your cursor on it and saying "oddish". when he sees the oddish, bring out your watering can and wait for pika to take it. make sure you gave yourself a bit of room between you and the oddish. when a diglett pops up tell pika "no" and once he has dodged it you can go home.

viridian 2: there is an actual strat for this level that can save 1.5 minutes+ over just waiting the day out. the goal is to evolve all of the caterpie as fast as you can, that will make the day end immediately after the 5th one evolves. each caterpie needs to eat 4 roses to evolve, but you should have fed 2 already in viridian 1, so the total comes to 18 roses. this wasn't a realistic number to collect (because too many were stuck high up in the tall trees) until punda found you could thunderbolt a special spot on any tree to drop multiple roses. to do this, you want to have your cursor over that special spot (when you press B it should give a desciption for "rosebush"), and have pikachus attention. by "attention" i mean you need to see the two "pikachu" bars on the side of the screen. then just tell pikachu "thunderbolt". multiple roses should drop. this might not work if pikachu is busy trying to get a rose from a different tree.

my recommended strat for this level is to first of all get and throw the single rose from the central tree (remember, caterpie only eat open roses, not rose buds. you open them by dropping them from a height). then get pikachu to thunderbolt the tallest trees in the special spot. grab these and any ones low enough to grab yourself and put them in your toolbox until you have 10 + are carrying one. then bring them over to the caterpies and present them a feast of roses. once all 5 evolve the camera will lock to pika and the day will end (you just get a 5000P ruby like normal)

olivine 2: find a haunter and attack it with "thunder bolt". best way to do this is to walk out to the right at the start towards where poliwhirl is, and look back to where the starting rock is. haunter should appear from behind there after a few seconds. you can either wait for pika to see it himself and attack it or have your cursor on it and say "thunder bolt". as long as pika sees it before its too close, he will attack it. once that's done, just use your pokehelper to head home

you've done everything to access the telescope mission now. it's possible that you will wake up and nothing happens. if this occurs just go back into disc days and go to a fishing hole, exit immediately, fall asleep again.

one day you will wake up and pikachu will be gone.

megaphone: you need to snipe pika with the megaphone a few times to finish this day. just say whatever into the mic, be aware that your bubbles go towards the center of screen

now if you did everything correctly, the next day you should wake up and oak will talk to you on the tv. if not you messed something up.

telescope: this is complete RNG. pika will walk thru all the springleaf sections until he gets to abra's shop and buy the telescope. you can't do anything to help pika, except pray. i have used the pikachu camera during this and for some reason have gotten good RNG. i don't know if thats luck or what tho. this will take any where from 8 to 15 minutes depending on how much pikachu gets distracted

final day: after telescope mission is done, its time to say goodbye to pika. when prompted say "goodbye". also this is really sad lol but you save 5 seconds if you say something other than "goodbye" on pikas final walk into the forest. he will be sad but you will save time. time ends when credits appear.

notes about version differences:

at this point i don't believe there are any speed differences between JP and NTSC. there are few minor differences related to japanese culture vs american culture, but the only one that affects gameplay is the pinata party which is instead the japanese game of suikawari (breaking open a watermelon). in the JP version, no items come out of the watermelon when it breaks open.

almost everything in this guide was found by enu. ありがとう enu!!!

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