16/16 (thank you)
3 years ago
Maryland, USA

In case some you didn't know I recently achieved getting all the world records in gkfr, and in this forum post I wanted to clear up some question people ask me and some general thank you remarks.

Firstly people are asking me if I'm quitting or moving on to different games. While I do plan on trying other games to speedrun I have no plans on leaving this community. Within the sphere of running this game I have plans on playing the cups runs and tracks that I find fun whilst letting go of the tracks I don't find fun or a bit too grindy (Prohibited site and Loopy to name a few). In terms of my records I have no plans on making an attempt to keep 16/16 for an extended period of time, achieving this goal was a mentally exhausting venture so keep this goal is a whole other feat in and of itself. Lastly I want to say thank you. I didn't really have a good place to properly say my thank-you's to this community so I'll say them here. Thank you to all the people in my youtube comments and discord dms sending me all the positive comments. It was really reassuring to hear everything you guys had to say. I'd like to thank the friends I made both in and out of the community for lifting me up toward my goal, especially the Garfield kart multiplayer community and all the members surrounding them. I would like to thank the site mods for keeping this game so active, and walrus in particular for essentially leading the essence of the Garfield kart speedrunning community. Lastly I would like ton thank the competition. While it was hard at times to keep myself motivated to get the records, without the competition, this goal wouldn't be as rewarding as I previously would anticipate. Also thank you for constantly pushing the limits of this game in the quest to complete these games time trials as quickly as humanly possible. That's all that I have to say on the matter, thank you all, and I'll be seeing you on the leaderboards.


baceballb3n, GameGobbler et 4 autres aime ceci
United States

"I have plans on playing the cups runs" I'm sorry for your loss. Keep gaming, gamer.

LDHatesMondays aiment ceci

Big congratz on this white_sedan! I've been gone for a few months and then I come back to this lol. Good job, you deserve this achievement! :D

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