A Question About Softmodded Wiiu.
8 months ago
Saskatchewan, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
8 months ago

I recently installed Aroma on my Wiiu, and want to use Blupair to connect my 8bitdo controllers to it foe runs. I heard out in the ether that soft mods like this can invalidate runs, so I wanted to check in and make sure.

Am I allowed to do my metroid Fusion runs on a Wiiu that runs aroma and Blupair? Or does it affect the gameplay in a way that might present an unfair advantage?

Veneto, Italy

I mean, as long as your plugins stack doesn't speedup the game, I'd rather say using Bloopair actually gives you a disadvantage as in additional input lag due to the whole Bluetooth stuff: it's just my two cents, a board moderator should ultimately rule over this.

OzwaldMartin aiment ceci
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