bugged any%?
2 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

I did a run where i reset right when i threw the log in the fire, then when i reset i came out of the portal fell down clouds and when i talked to fire he had the dialogue at the end of the game. then the game gave me dancing dave and faded to black and i had to do the end sequence and beat the game.

Havoc aiment ceci
Newfoundland, Canada

i again tried this and it worked perfectly, threw the log waited for a second and went back to title. started the game and when i dropped down he looked like he did at start of game but when i talked to him it started the dialogue of the end of the game


Thats interesting. I am going to try this myself. If I cant recreate it, could you record doing that? That would be nice of you. Any glitch is interesting and needs looking into, even if it turns out to not save any time or isnt helpful in a run

Newfoundland, Canada

i will try to record later tonight but i cannot guarantee the quality of the recording, though this bug should work for you.

Newfoundland, Canada

btw do you know how to submit runs? is it just closed because no one runs this or am i doing something wrong? when i try to submit it says that i have to be signed in to submit even though I clearly am (im new to speedrun.com so mind my stupidity if im being dumb).

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

Havoc aiment ceci

That is a very weird bug. Dont have a clue why that happens lol. With submitting runs, thats also very weird. We definitely accept runs. Probably speedrun.com being buggy. Dont know how to fix that either unfortunately :/

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

i figured out the submitting runs part but im not submitting runs until i figure out how to do the platforming by only going in the middle, which never seems to work for me


Ah sure. So what you wanna do is:

  1. Start up a 'run'
  2. Do the pattern once, how you would do it normally, just follow the stones
  3. At the top (entering the top platform with the door) you will hear a sound, if you play with sound on at least. Or in other words just do that section like intended.
  4. Restart. Not the entire game, but just exit that run and start a new one You should now be able to just go through the cave without following the pattern.

Tl;dr: Just do the pattern section once like intended, restart and you are good to go until you close the game completely again.

Newfoundland, Canada

Thank you very much, you the goat

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