Runs still being rejected for no pls?
8 years ago

I submit a clean run, No comment attached. I wasn't under the cutoff for emulator times. I complied with every rule and a video is attached (along with the ability to view the actual stream I did it on)

I know this is lame but my time would be the EMU WR (amongst like 7 other people) but instead my run gets rejected with the reason "."

Just "." That is not a reason.

Rederax et HighPriest aime ceci

I thought I did provide that last time... May have to look back a bit in the thread. ANYWAYS heres this ones proof: Proof of unjustified rejection: (As you can see I even had my splits uploaded) Video of my run (on YT) EDIT: The blur in the top left is to protect myself from their retaliation (was added in youtube editor) I'm pretty sure my recent broadcast would still be there too.

Also again gotta love no accountability for corrupt mods. Asking me to 'cool down' isn't going to solve anything. They have already said they are not willing to sort this out with me and don't want me in the community.

EDIT 2: Furthermore we haven't resolved the issue of them removing my older runs (thereby removing me from the stream list too) locking and deleting every thread I make in the game forum (yes even ones with civility and honest questions ABOUT the game) without response. I feel like I am at least owed a better reason than "." Do other mods for other games get away with this sort of stuff?

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

No, they don't. Or at least, they shouldn't.

There seems to be quite a disconnect between game communities about what a leaderboard is supposed to represent, and how it should be managed. Many communities, this one included, seem to view their game leaderboard as some sort of inclusive club where the community members can show off their times. With this viewpoint comes the belief that it's right to just block certain people or runs for whatever arbitrary reason they decide.

In contrast, we have the way that I, and other moderators, view the leaderboards we run: They are databases of existing runs, and the people who have done runs of the game. Community is irrelevant, status is irrelevant, fame is irrelevant. If you have a run and it conforms to the leaderboard rules, it belongs on the leaderboard no questions asked under this model.

What APPEARS to be occurring here is the former case; a leaderboard ran by a clique who want to keep specific people out due to some fear about negative associations or what have you. This is antithetical to how I believe a leaderboard should be ran, as moderators should not impose their own personal values onto leaderboards when it's meant to be an objective, level playing field. The only grounds for removing times and banning someone from submitting in the future is if it can be demonstrated that the player in question cheated, that much should be obvious.

Disputes about your conduct prior to these events just should not factor in, though. If I'm perfectly frank, judging from your profile and previous posts in the other thread, I have no doubt that you ARE a shitter, but that's not grounds to reject your runs if they're legitimate.

Honestly my advice to you would be to just move on to a different game, whilst wising up and mellowing out in the meantime.

Bogdan_mk, bluewiregaming et 10 autres aime ceci
United States

What the heck is an "EMU WR?"

Anyway yeah, the only people who can help you against the game mods are the site admins. And they told you to wait. That's really the only option you have.

@PresJPolk it means emulator world record (nearly worthless in most peoples opinion)

I still don't see what good waiting is going to do. I get that it is pretty much my only option at this point but that still doesn't necessarily make it the right or just action. Especially when it appears that no review of the mods behavior is being fleshed out. Rather it is expected that by 'laying low' that is to solve the issue on its own. To that I must protest that the mods for the game have already stated they wan't me excluded from the community and will not accept any kind of apology/do not want to talk this out.

EDIT: they even changed the rules for the category because of me -.- (probably to try and justify rejecting AND removing my old runs even when most of them in no way fall into this categorization)

"Submissions with disrespectful/profane comments and/or media will be rejected. " Was added

Aren't we getting a bit language police-ey here? What do people classify as disrespectful and profane? Isn't that a bit subjective bucko? My point is anyone can find anything "disrespectful" and "profane" Heck the comment that started this all was tagged with a run I submitted "your favorite troll" which apparently is profane and disrespectful in their OPINION. Key word opinion. I'm sure plenty of other people would both condemn or protect what I said so why have it up to such subjective measures of the moderators own opinion at the time?

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
HighPriest aiment ceci

How many times do we have to tell you that spamming the threads isn't going to help anything.

The site admins told you what to do, you're intentionally ignoring their advice and you're instead deciding to spam the threads with constant complaints. Many of us are sympathetic to your situation, however this constant thread posting/creation is not going to get you anywhere. When the site admins tell you to relax and chill for a bit and then you choose to ignore that, you're reducing your chances of ever getting a resolution.

You've already gotten on the bad side of the game's mods. Whether or not that is justified is a moot point because it has already happened. The best advice is to sit for a few weeks and let this all cool off because your continuing submission of runs then complaining is just going to irritate the game mods more and you'll never get anywhere. The best advice is to still cool off for a couple weeks - practice offline, do some more runs, do whatever just don't submit anything. After some time has passed, try to submit again. If the same thing still happens then you'll have more of a case to maybe contact the admins of the site and plead your case again.

But for the last time, what you're doing right now is harming your case rather than helping. Like I said, many of us are sympathetic to your issue because we know it is unfair, but the more you defy the site admins and the more you create threads like this, the more that sympathy is going to go away because you're intentionally ignoring the best advice we have for you right now.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
United States

You made literally 20 more posts in the last 2-3 days, half of which were stirring the pot with the mods some more. Look, I don't know the details on your past interactions, but with the way the past few days have been going, I'm not going to tell people they have to put up with people who flame all over the forums. If the pot wasn't constantly being stirred, there would likely be no predicament in the first place, hence my strong suggestion to chill out.

I looked this one up on urbandictionary to get a concise description:

flaming An online argument that becomes nasty or derisive, where insulting a party to the discussion takes precedence over the objective merits of one side or another

Bogdan_mk, TopsyTurve et 2 autres aime ceci

"I'm not going to tell people they have to put up with people who flame all over the forums." So is it just okay that they rejected my runs out of spite and are being brutishly unfair? All because I'm 'flaming' by creating a bunch of posts about it ONLY because this is my only way of voicing my grievance and predicament. I am banned in every other way (within that games community) and as I have said "cooling off" will not solve anything. If that would actually work then perhaps I'd be laying low but as I've explained they are not willing to reason with me and no amount of "cooling off" will change that. It is honestly sickening hearing justifications being made for this gross and abhorrent misuse of power without further investigation into the issue being performed.

None of this would have even happened if they did not act out of spite and vitriol in rejecting my perfectly fine runs. The fact that this is just permitted to continue is appalling and my faith in this websites integrity is deteriorating. What the heck happened...

Edit: The initial rejection of my runs and removal of my older runs has still not been addressed. Even if I were to concede that now I am flamming what difference should that have on the initial incident that sparked this mess: a moderator abusing power to reject runs because of personal problems with the person submitting it. (and then the community leader backing him up)

Edit 2: @Timmiluvs " practice offline, do some more runs, do whatever just don't submit anything" You can't be serious can you? "we know it is unfair" I mean read above for full context but wow. "you're intentionally ignoring the best advice we have for you right now." Yes, yes I am because I still have not heard 1 way in which that is going to resolve the issue.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
HighPriest aiment ceci

Seeing how people would want me banned you would think I was doing something like this guy: (what kind of mod approves that) Instead of that I actually submitted a serious run with the video provided. This person puts a completely unrelated video and gets the free WR. Sure its in a silly game, but so is my situation. The point is why is that stuff getting approved while my legitimate submission was rejected AND (once again gotta mention) my old runs removed. Just doesn't seem right

HighPriest aiment ceci

Not sure what you expected from a meme category

Oh I'm listening Bucko' I have been. Now as far as taking what I've heard seriously I still can not. Again I ask what does this 'chilling out' entail and what will it accomplish? Am I to stop posting on the forums altogether (no matter the thread?) or stop submitting runs altogether? Just log out for two weeks? Is that the suggestion? If so that's baffling to see. I've already stopped posting runs under that game (out of honestly a lack of faith) and am focused on other games entirely for now. Still what's happened to me is appalling and even more disheartening to see the reaction. It's funny ya know, how you say "if they reject your run" then we will be behind you. 1 I'm telling you, as I have before that they are unforgiving and do not want me in 'their' community. 2 why not just be behind me now? I mean even if you are annoyed at me "spamming" the forum you still can't contend the point that I was unfairly rejected nor justify the removal of my older runs.

It's as if we still don't want to deal with the elephant in the room: a lack of accountability for the moderators of bfbb

EDIT: No longer posting. I'd like to request that you do not ban me as I am running another game and still want to submit times. I'll "chill out" for 2 weeks but I'm telling you. Nothing will come of it. What a way to resolve the issue -.-

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
Maine, USA

Listen blue I know you've been trying to be the "hero of SRDC" trying to make it so people like the mods of BFBB can't get away with what they are doing, but the way you are handling will do nothing but cause issues between you and the admins. Taking the 2 weeks is the best option as it will give everything a chance to calm down, and if they were to still reject you runs even after that it will give people more incentive to be on your side, since you are not the "forum spamming shit stirrer" as I've seen you be called by a few people.

Now as I'm sure your not going to take anything I've said and do it I just want you to know I've been in much worse scenarios than you with my own community (Destiny) just ask Racingmonster he has for sure seen those forums post on the main forums.

bluewiregaming et Brapchu aime ceci

Not that I really disagree with you being upset about being rejected for seemingly no reason, but can we stop using the word "corrupt" to describe this? Corrupt implies bribery or otherwise gaining something. Holy moly would I find it hilarious if someone got bribed to reject runs, but what seems to be happening is spite, not corruption.

bluewiregaming aiment ceci
United States

I'm here to supply a list of reasons for the rejection of these runs, decided by most of the board moderators for BFBB. May I also add that I was not the first person to reject these runs. Ringo rejected them and I rejected the duplicates of them that he proceeded to submit after being given advice on how to submit runs that are verifiable.

Here is the first run that was submitted. There evidence of it was deleted by bluewiregaming but it was posted for review in a group to decide what to do with it, so here's a screenshot:

The premise of deleting runs after submitting them is something we find shady. Joester of the Pac-Man community has also weighed in on this claiming that he would not have verified that run either, and that deleting runs immediately after submitting them, rejected or verified, shows that the person likely didn't care to have them there in the first place. Those are his words, not mine. But I'm providing them to give some outside view on the topic.

In my opinion, regarding the deleted runs, bluewiregaming may have removed them to delete evidence of my reasoning for rejection. It is true that Ringo did not provide reasoning for the runs, which is why when he submitted them again, I rejected them with actual reasoning. I wrote that he must submit video proof for the run and not leave comments that may lead other moderators or people reading the boards to believe that the run is illegitimate. i.e. "your favorite troll"

I also gave the same reasoning to his friend who contacted me regarding the rejection. I thought he would have told bluewiregaming how to submit runs eligible for verification, but I guess he didn't. That is out of my hands though. This person had been given advice more than once how to construct a legitimate submission and still refused to do so. Instead, he continued submitting the same runs with insults, inflammatory rhetoric, capslock, etc with the same "your favorite troll" remark at the bottom. Again, he deleted these submissions eventually.

The second run was rejected on the basis that, because it was performed on emulator, questions of legitimacy still existed there epsecially since the person had already established himself as a troll in the comments section in a run without video proof. In BFBB, emulator can be used to record and play back inputs, or keymap a controller to do certain tricks more easily. For these reasons, the moderators decided that this run submitted by the same person who added the other, should not be on the leaderboards. This run was also signed from "your favorite troll."

Background on bluewiregaming: this person has been banned from multiple streams in the community for similar unruly behavior and rude remarks as seen on his submissions (that he deleted). He was banned from the community discord many months ago for the same activity. His streams contained titles and content with intention to harass members of the SpongeBob community including myself. Hopefully this give you a better idea of why his forum threads (which were posted in masses and took several mods to clean up after he had finished) were deleted. It was forum spam uncalled for considering I had previously given him reasoning for why the runs were rejected and how to get them verified. He chose not to take this advice and instead proceeded to spam the forums. Had he stopped claiming he was a troll before spamming the forums with rude content, we may have reconsidered his submissions. This behavior dragged on for quite some time until he decided to take his case to these forums, where he decided to play the victim. I among the rest of the moderators involved were just doing our jobs to defend the integrity of the boards. We do not want questionable runs submitted by questionable players..

Now that I've finished explaining the mods' reasoning for rejecting these runs from the boards, I'd like to say that I have overseen the submission of hundreds of runs to the BFBB boards in my time, many from people I happen to dislike. These runs were still verified because I had reason to believe they were legitimate. I am also a series moderator for the SpongeBob series, so you can judge my moderation in other SB games as well if you'd like. This was not a personal issue until bluewiregaming attempted to make it a personal issue. Ringo and I are not the only moderators involved in these decisions. As of recently, we have decided to be more cautious of verifying runs after reviewing the Any% boards and finding several runs that were also questionable, without video proof. bluewiregaming was one of the many people we were cautious about, and I did my best to provide reasoning for the rejections and even explained so to his friend. He refused to take this advice and instead used the submission comments as a platform to start an argument with the leaderboard mods, which we refused to engage in.

Hopefully this clears things up. I'm willing to answer further questions if needed.


Bogdan_mk, Hydro et 5 autres aime ceci

its about to get CRAZYYY in here.


Bogdan_mk, Osmosis_Jones et 4 autres aime ceci
United States

What's your reasons for rejecting other people's runs randomly? Silly reasons like "." and shit

HighPriest aiment ceci
United States

Jumplyluff accuses poeple of cheating with no evidence. He's done it before

HighPriest aiment ceci