Why is Live Split timing/completing wrong splits, if one is out of order or missed ... ?
6 months ago

My issue is if I miss a split in Live Split, and complete the next split, it not only completes the original split but also completes the most recent split I'm currently on. This continuously happens. Missing a split or doing it out of order always does this for me.

I had to edit my splits layout to better suit my play style within the game (Resident Evil 7 PC) so there is less of a chance to glitch-out. However, I don't think Live Split should be completing other splits before it's actual time, even if one split is missed or done out of order.

I am set to game time, why is it 'thinking' I completed a split further ahead before I even get to that point? I'm trying to record a speedrun to submit for the first time, but I cannot get the autosplitter to behave the way it should. Is there any settings I can change?

Is Live Split like, do splits in order, or not at all type thing? Has anyone else experienced this?

In this screenshot, the red circle is where I am in the game, the other three below I wasn't even at that part yet. But Live Split 'thinks' I am, does Live Split have a thing where it can just ignore a missed/out of order splits to not start completing other splits that aren't even being split at the correct time in-game? (I know a little confusing) I do know about check marking splits I want and don't want and in the order I wish. Like missing one split messes up my whole game/recording since it begins to not be timed right on my splits.

It's been days and days, can't find nothing on it really. I just don't want it to split my times wrong and completing other splits that I am not even near to completing that part yet. I appreciate any and all help with this, thanks.


im not exactly sure what you are asking and you should really ask in the re7 discord but assuming you are using an autosplitter. they arent made to split at certain splits. an auto splitter splits whenever a certain event happens no matter which split you are on.

lets say your splits are currently on level 4 and you beat level 7 the autosplitter was made to split for completing level 7 so it splits even though you are on the split for level 4.


So it's basically, do in order or it glitches completing other splits?