Request about one of my speedruns
6 years ago

Did you forget to mention the part where you acquired a super mod's password, logged into his account and then nuked the entire leaderboard for an extended period of time?

TheKiwiTurtle, f1 et 6 autres aime ceci
Victoria, Australia

You had a tantrum and deleted the entire leaderboard after buying/acquiring a mod's password. The only thing you deserve is a site-wide ban.

Zachoholic, Newantox et 2 autres aime ceci
United States

The time is publicly available data. I can understand and would be in favor of respecting the spirit of your request by removing all identifying information about the run, but removing the time itself only creates confusion.

See, whether the time is on the leaderboards or not, the community knows that it exists. If the run isn't on the leaderboards, people will clarify and answer any questions about the run, including who did the run- spreading the information you don't want further, as in the Streissand effect. However, if the run is on the leaderboards but there is no identifying information, then the only people who know are the people who already know, and the removal has no effect on them.

But seriously- it's data. Accuracy is important, especially at the top.

Why did your wishes trump everyone else's for the leaderboards when you nuked them? A lot of people wanted their times there and you denied that- clearly, in your mind, that makes it okay to go against the wishes of the runner for personal reasons.

Stop trying to play the victim here.

edit: You also left out the fact that you yourself kept adding and removing the run.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
8butt et AndreaRovenski aime ceci
United States

It's pretty obvious to most people that wanting to keep your run up was never out of spite. People want the actual WR to be on the leaderboards, because not having a known WR on there is kinda against the purpose of having leaderboards. Anyway, it doesn't even have your name on it anymore, so lol.

8butt et AndreaRovenski aime ceci
United States

retro, I think you seem to be mistaken about something. You're still saying that your run should be removed from the leaderboard, but I just looked at the leaderboard, and there is no run with your name on it.

Thanks and have a good night

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

I don't really want to get involved in any drama I'm not involved with, but something clearly isn't right here. The easiest way to resolve this would be to remove the time and move on (or at the very least, remove the video and leave the time). However, Retro, I don't know what's going on in your life but it's fairly hard to justify any of your actions that have been described in this thread. It looks like you've been a major pain in the ass to the game mods for some time, so you have to accept that they might not be inclined to heed your wishes and make an exception for you.

But that's just my 2 cents.

8butt, Yarumasi, et Caitelady aime ceci

@Ferian only months ago u were tongue deep in brown town with retro and now ur calling him out to be banned? thats fked up....,

ubm ownz >:P

#tbbtakeover #wild #exotic

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
f1, m13 et 5 autres aime ceci

@Klash there's no sign of Retro on the video at all. It's literally just a video of gameplay. Obviously we wouldn't care as much, but I feel it's pretty important for the WR to be up with a video, as a reference point. It's not like any WR holder in anything else like athletics can just one day decide that all evidence of their accomplishment needs be be deleted and hidden away.

retro owned all of u..., im not a big fan of the man but he owned u...,

follow me on twitter #wild #crazy #exotic #neworleans #wilmingtondelaware

hit me up if u like family guy and would like to discuss it

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
f1, AndreaRovenski, et Tilts_ aime ceci

To be honest, it seems like you guys try to start a hate circlejerk against retro at every opportunity. Right now he is really handling this in the most mature way, and judging from previous incidents on SRcom, it seems like they will be on his side when it comes to having his content removed. Whatever action he takes you guys start hating on him and try to take turns on how hard you can own him. Just my perspective, but I can sense some pretty strong hatred here that is unnecessary. We want parity here.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
faulty et Walkers aime ceci
Devon, England

speedrunning is too toxic, might as well ban it entirely.

f1 aiment ceci
Devon, England

So 'retro', you claim to have a WR buddy, firstly, congratulations, this is truly an incredible feat, the hard work and dedication you put toward getting it must've been godly in order to get such an incredible time in a very highly contested category. I have a question, do you run any other games, if not, I have a suggestion, Spyro 2 14 Tali, Spyro 3 Any%, Super Mario 64 16 Star, I feel you'd be good at these and the WR holders seem pretty awful at them.

aiment ceci
Wisconsin, USA

on your bike, wally

Walkers, m13, et 8butt aime ceci
United States

I think there's enough testimonies to remove you from the site. As for your Spyro 2 run, with the video deleted I think they'll remove it shortly.

Newantox aiment ceci
United States

I think the ban is warranted for obvious reasons, but the discussion point is certainly a complex issue. I'll start a topic on it this weekend when I have more time. It's not the first time this has been brought up or issues have arisen from similar circumstances.

Zachoholic et Newantox aime ceci