Site Statistics 2017
7 years ago
United States

I like to gather information from the API to see patterns and rankings and would like to share. To use Google Sheets like a pro, hover over the letters above the headers to show a button. Click said button to sort, filter, etc.[section=User Statistics]The complete table can bee seen here. Warning: Very large and laggy There's also a more compact version, though it's still quite large.

Here are the stats gathered for everyone and used to rank with:

• Game Count • Game Count (with a full game run) • Leaderboard Count • Full Game Leaderboard Count • Run Count • Full Game Run Count • World Records Held • Full Game World Record Held • Top 3 Records Held • Full Game Top 3 Records Held • Sum of Weighted Records • Sum of Weighted Full Game Records • Sum of Weighted Records (Alternate, see below) • Sum of Weighted Full Game Records (Alternate, see below) • Best Weighted Record • Best Weighted Record (Alternate, see below)

To the right of the sheet are rankings, depending on how you value things. • MasterOfOne ranks a player's best rank, from any one stat • AverageRanking does exactly that • JackOfAllTrades ranks a player's worst rank, from any one stat • MasterOfMasters compares everyone's best rank, across all ranks • AverageAverage works similar to the above and below • JackOfJacks compares everyone's worst rank, across all ranks


  • There's separate columns for full game leaderboards. It also requires the median time of the leaderboard to be at least 5 minutes long. This removes virtually all runs that should be considered ILs instead with only a few getting hit with a false positive.
  • It does not know when a leaderboard is sorted descending, such as Metroid Prime's Frigate Escape. The API currently does not supply that information.
  • The formula that I used for 'RankWeight' is quite a doozy. People from last time might remember I was trying to improve the previous one and I think I got something pretty solid: [PlayerCount]^0.9375/[Position]^(1/3¤([RunTime]/[WRtime])^8) For leaderboards with only 1 player, that run would be worth 1.0 in ranking. The ^0.9375 is to slightly clamp the max value of a WR for larger leaderboards. Going down the leaderboard divides by the position, but doing that without clamping that too punishes positions close to 1st. If 2nd is practically the same as 1st, it'll still get about 80% of the worth of 1st. That's done so that 1st still has value while comparing to 2nd. But if the times are too different, times below 1st are punished HARD with the ratio between the time and 1st place's time; that's done with ([RunTime]/[WRtime])^8.
  • The "alternate" variation of 'RankWeight' uses all runs submitted, instead of only the ones visible on the leaderboard. SMS Any% Has 763 runs visible on the leaderboard, but has had 2759 submissions, and the latter is used. This is beneficial to runners who are adamant on one game.
  • Racingmonster has been removed for deliberately gaming the statistics. They're arbitrary as hell, yet he's persisted. If you want to see why, look at his profile. FailFish [section=Top Users]Subjectively, these are some of the 'top' speedrunners on the site based on the significance of all their records. See comments above for the method used: • Vallu -- Has a lot of really good positions on the popular Super Mario games, among others • TGH -- The God-Emperor of Undertale, having WR on nearly every leaderboard • nindiddeh -- SMS Any% WR holder, and top 3 in the two main SM3DW categories • darbian -- Super Mario Bros Any% WR holder, with other notable records • Xiah -- SM64 16 Star WR holder, among a few others • Torje -- OoT Any% WR holder, the leaderboard with the most players • Levaten -- 2nd in SMS Any% and 1st in two other categories • SigotuSM64 -- SM64 70 Star (Emulator) WR holder. Runs a great number of SM64 hacks • Jumpyluff -- Highly prolific runner • skater82297 -- 2nd place OoT Any% holder • cheese05 -- WR holder for SM64 70 and 120 Star on N64, and 2nd for 70 VC and 120 Emu. • GreenDeathFlavor -- Top records in Super Mario World, among a few others • Oatsngoats -- Super Metroid Any% WR holder, along with other categories • Xelna -- ALTTP No Major Glitches {Any%} WR holder, along with other categories • MrsGizamaluke -- King of Diddy Kong Racing for both full-game and track records • werster -- Former Pokémon Red/Blue champ but still maintains great times for the series • Area51 -- SMW 11 Exit WR holder • BiiWiX -- Portal Inbounds WR holder, among other records • SSBMstuff -- Arguably the best Spyro player for the first three games • Snap -- Luigi's Mansion Any% and No OoB WR holder • zoast -- 2nd place in nearly every Super Metroid category. 1st for Low% (Ice) • Aliensqueakytoy -- 2nd for OoT All Dungeons, No IM/WW, and 5th for Any%. • Biinny -- ☕

For individuals with a #1 position (followed by #2): • Game Count ------------------------------- Dugongue @ 351 ---------------- Jumpyluff @ 209 • Game Count (with a full game run) ---- Dugongue @ 278 ---------------- Jumpyluff @ 158 • Leaderboard Count ----------------------- Dugongue @ 593 ---------------- PrinceRallis @ 537 • Full Game Leaderboard Count --------- Dugongue @ 345 ----------------- Jumpyluff @ 245 • Run Count ---------------------------------- Arcxire @ 949 -------------------- PrinceRallis @ 870 • Full Game Run Count -------------------- Cyberdemon531 @ 447 --------- Dugongue @ 348 • World Records Held ---------------------- MannedTooth @ 348 ---------- superlinkgod @ 305 • Full Game World Record Held ---------- RPGodfather @ 67 -------------- sun100 @ 62 • Top 3 Records Held ----------------------- MannedTooth @ 376 ---------- PrinceRallis @ 373 • Full Game Top 3 Records Held --------- Dugongue @ 179 --------------- RPGodfather @ 107 • Sum of Weighted Records --------------- Vallu @ 1188.66 ------------- FreeRunnerGuys @ 968.25 • Sum of Weighted Full Game Records - Vallu @ 988.17 -------- TGH @ 943.67 • Sum of Weighted Records Alt ------------ TGH @ 2223.11 ------------ Vallu @ 2131.28 • Sum of Weighted Full Game Records Alt - TGH @ 2223.11 ----------------- nindiddeh @ 1925.74 • Best Weighted Record -------------------- Torje @ 561.91 (OoT Any%) ------- nindiddeh @ 503.93 (SMS Any%) • Best Weighted Record Alt ---------------- nindiddeh @ 1681.53 (SMS Any%) - Levaten @ 1146.63 (SMS Any%)

The best Jack of All Trades (comparing everyone's worst rank) are:

  1. Vallu (#231)
  2. Pull (#236)
  3. SigotuSM64 (#415)
  4. Konasumi (#519)
  5. CartoonBuffoon (#580)
  6. Jumpyluff (#587)
  7. werster (#617) 8) Halodude (#619)
  8. SoloQ (#621)
  9. Zetrile (#626)

And for average:

  1. Jumpyluff
  2. Dugongue
  3. Vallu
  4. werster
  5. RPGodfather
  6. authorblues
  7. SigotuSM64 8) darbian
  8. Toad22484
  9. Jcool114 [section=Game Statistics]List of all the games on the site by their activity (as of 2017-08-10):

The larger the number, the more active a game is. You can sort the columns by hovering above the headers and clicking the arrow. Here's a quick slice of it:

  1. Super Mario 64 -- 169 active players
  2. Super Mario World -- 80 active players
  3. PAYDAY 2 -- 73 active players
  4. Super Mario Bros. -- 68 active players
  5. Super Mario Sunshine -- 65 active players
  6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past -- 60 active players
  7. Super Metroid -- 60 active players 8) Destiny -- 56 active players
  8. Mario Kart Wii -- 55 active players
  9. Splatoon 2 -- 53 active players
  10. Portal -- 52 active players
  11. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- 51 active players
  12. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe -- 49 active players
  13. Refunct -- 49 active players
  14. Super Mario Galaxy -- 46 active players

This sheet includes more columns than the last sheet I had because of the addition of the game stats page. The main activity value being used, player activity, is based only on the number of players running the game and is different from what was used last time.[section=Leaderboard Statistics]This one didn't take long since the base of it was used for the games query. Here's a list of all the leaderboards (with at least one run) on the site by their activity (as of 2017-08-10):

The top ones are similar to the games sheet:

  1. Super Mario 64 - 16 Star {EMU} -- 54 active players
  2. Super Mario Bros. - Any% -- 35 active players
  3. Refunct - Any% {Normal} -- 34 active players
  4. Super Mario World - 11 Exit -- 35 active players
  5. Super Mario Sunshine - Any% {Normal} -- 27 active players
  6. Super Metroid - Any% -- 28 active players
  7. The End Is Nigh - Friend% -- 25 active players 8) Super Mario 64 - 70 Star {N64} -- 23 active players
  8. Luigi's Mansion - No OoB -- 22 active players
  9. Portal - Glitchless -- 20 active players
  10. Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy - Crash Bandicoot {Any%} -- 21 active players
  11. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - No Major Glitches {Any%} -- 18 active players
  12. Super Mario 64 - 16 Star {N64} -- 18 active players
  13. Super Mario 64 - 120 Star {N64} -- 17 active players
  14. Super Mario Galaxy - Any% {Mario} -- 17 active players

Things like views aren't included as that's not provided by the API.[section=Miscellaneous Statistics]• Nothing at the moment.

By the way, if there's anything in particular anyone would like a sheet of, you're welcome to make a request.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Quivico, GameguySD et 8 autres aime ceci
United States

Updated the main post (which I'll use from now on) with the user statistics. Enjoy~

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
United States

Added a sheet for most active moderators in the Miscellaneous section. I'd love to know who submitted the runs so I can add more columns for self submitted, among more ideas. I'm interested in the number of runs where the submitter is neither the runner or verifier.

Edit: I made a big mistake with the ranking formula, which has been fixed. It has changed some of the rankings of users.


I'm surprised to find myself so near the top of that list, and am very proud to be there. I hope to keep serving the games I'm involved in for a long time to come. Thanks for all these statistics you're collating, ROMaster.

Zachoholic et ROMaster2 aime ceci
Devon, England

im so confused, how does this make any sense

United States

It's just comparing games or users between what they've done.


I'm assuming this isn't a statistic the API gives you access to, but can you see how many runs a mod has rejected?

mainly because while we're just, throwing every single stat on the table I kinda want to see that one

United States

Sure thing, just updated it.


Hey @ROMaster2 does editing someone's run count as a self verified run?

United States

It's based on the runner and the verifier, so no. I have no means to check if something was edited.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Tron_Javolta aiment ceci
United States

First post has been updated for everything before this month. Users have shifted quite a in positions and I've added emphasis on the 'weighted record' list. The User sheet is available and the Game and Leaderboard sheets will be added tomorrow.

Tron_Javolta aiment ceci

@ROMaster2 will there be another moderator activity again?

United States

There you go. Edit: I lied, will have on next iteration.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Tron_Javolta aiment ceci
United States

Bout that time, ey chaps? Working on the next iteration.

Tron_Javolta aiment ceci
Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Wouldn't that just make it take longer?

United States

I'm working on making scripts to automate the majority of the process. May take longer than the weekend.


Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Tron_Javolta aiment ceci
United States

Updated to 2017-08-08. Data sheets soon.

Tron_Javolta aiment ceci
United States

Now has data sheets. Enjoy.


I need to stop doing ILs FailFish

ROMaster2 aiment ceci
California, USA

I need to (not) start doing ILs :)