What Type of Person Are You?
2 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Are you a dog person or a cat person? Personally, I am a dog person.

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci
Somerset, England

@SkittlesCat83 a pizza person

CyanWes, Oh_my_gourdness et 4 autres aime ceci

interesting but how i find out what i 'am?

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

Crash nitro kart person

Also probably a pizza person as well on the side


@jackzfiml lol!!!!! i expected an animal or something alive, but this fits as well so i take it!!!

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci
Texas, USA

I have three doggies. And I would have cats too if I weren't terribly allergic.

Also... PIZZACULT! Praise Cheesus who died for our pepperoni. It was though their sacrifice we are free to enjoy warm flat bread. Marinara spread delicately over the top, with savory toppings of all sorts. Shun the vegetarians and non-believers! For they are heretics forbidden from the kingdom of Father John. And we do not talk about the pineapple sect of the cult.

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci

if talking about wether im a cat or a dog person the cat of course, dogs are disgusting. otherwise im a dumb person

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci

I'm the type of person who thinks they're normal but everyone else thinks is crazy/weird/different. They like me though, I think.

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

[quote=dais76] I'm fed up with being an introvert in an extrovert world [/quote]

Exact opposite. Extroversion is overrated.

Oh_my_gourdness aiment ceci