Whos your Favorite Youtuber?
4 years ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Mine is probably HTME(How To Make Everything)

United States

Scott the Woz (you created two threads by the way)

MinecraftGaming, SuperAL1 et 2 autres aime ceci
Glamorganshire, Wales

Easily LEMMiNO, has a ridiculous production value

New York, USA

Tom Scott

SuperAL1, WhatsFrog et 6 autres aime ceci

videogamedunkey for the memes


i would probably say treatsforbeasts, but that would also contradict the YouTuber i watch the most which would be 2ndJerma. Although I do like a small YouTuber called Nokeric, he's definitely worth a watch.

Supprimé par l'auteur

vilde321 juutuupista

United States

Wilbur Soot, The_Eret, Beanieboy, RTGame

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Outside Xbox. They once used a video idea I tweeted at them, that was so cool. Mike and the Oxbox account itself also dropped me follows, I've chatted with Mike a handful of times.

Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

mark rober

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I dont really have one,but i would say TheOddHeader

United States

My favorite is me! Okay, for real it is Official Rick Astley.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
United States

I like stuff r’ us

MinecraftGaming aiment ceci
Hesse, Germany

If anyone’s German you have to check out „Shimtex“. Best Videos ever, he’s good in editing, good in making Videos and funny too! Some of YouTube’s Ultra Quality Content.

He/Him, She/Her
4 years ago

For my minecraft content I mainly go to Fundy

For Terraria i go to my man, ChippyGaming

SuperAL1 aiment ceci



MrBeast is cool, I guess, lol. But it would probably be either:

"Totally Not Mark", a back-then-Dragon Ball YouTuber who's videos were amazing. Well scripted and everything. I really enjoyed his videos, though I don't have much interest in his non-DB content but I used to watch them just because the scripting is really good. I fell behind though lol.

Or Mrwhosetheboss who's content is also very good. I don't really care about smartphones, but his videos are very entertaining somehow.

European Union

NMeade! He makes loads of Mario Kart Wii Time Trials content

Sizzyl, Pear, et Jaka_TDC aime ceci