[PSP] Is overcloking legit for speedrunning?
4 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Hello guys!

I am currently moderator for the Pursuit Force speedrun board, and I got a question from a runner about overclocking his PSP.

He did a speedrun of Pursuit Force on PSP, that he recorded using RemoteJoyLite. Apparently, RemoteJoyLite makes the game really laggy, so he overclocked his PSP to make it playable.

Our question is: Is overclocking legit for speedrunning? Or does it count as an unfair modification of the console?

I don't have much experience of PSP speedrunning, I didn't even knew that overclocking was possible on that console x)


That’s honestly up to the game and the community so you probably want to ask your fellow community members. There are no global rules regarding emulation for the most part. However, the rule of thumb tends to be that if an emulator can do something that the actual console cannot, then it’s usually banned.

So, if you can overclock a real PSP with no issues and without needing to install anything third party, then I see no reason not to allow it. But if it’s an emulation only setting that exists solely to change the way the game plays (reduce lag, reduce loading), then it should probably be banned or moved to its own emulator only category. Otherwise that player would have an advantage over someone running on a real console.

Jawslehoff aiment ceci
Aberdeen, Scotland

@Timmiluvs you can only overclock an original PSP if you have a softmod installed. its not a feature built into the PSP operating system

Timmiluvs aiment ceci