LiveSplit not showing comparison times
1 month ago
United States

Last night, livesplit stopped showing my comparison times. Now, it only shows the split times, but it doesn't say how much faster or slower I am compared to my personal best (Yes, I enabled the setting to compare against personal best)

Glamorganshire, Wales

Without knowing the specifics of your setup, this is usually something which goes wrong for me when I've accidentally set the timer to compare against game time (or real time if you normally use game time). This has also happened to me before when I loaded the wrong layout which didn't include the load remover and it reset the actual timing widget to game time, without setting the program broadly to compare against game time, so it might be worth checking that.

Panzer564 aiment ceci
United States

It started occurring for all of my layouts on all of my games at the same time. I use real time, but it doesn't work when I compare against game time either. When I close my splits and create new splits without loading a previous layout, it doesn't work for that either

Glamorganshire, Wales

My next idea would be to ask if you've updated LiveSplit to a newer version recently? Although if you had you would've almost certainly made the connection so it's probably not that. Or have you moved the installation folder to a different hard drive and have the split files somewhere else? I did once have a similar issue having done that and moving them into the same drive fixed it bizarely.

Modifié par l'auteur 1 month ago
Panzer564 aiment ceci
United States

I havent changed any of my livesplit files before, I just create the new splits inside of livesplit and don't download them from anywhere else. Do you think reinstallin livesplit entirely would fix it?

Glamorganshire, Wales

It's probably worth trying, make a backup of splits and layouts, just load them into the reinstalled version, might work. Can always keep the old installation for safety of course!

United States

I realized what was wrong: I had seemed to have changed the layout settings for my splits, and the categories were wrong

How I fixed it (in case anyone else ever has the same issue):

-Right click livesplit

-Edit Layout

-Layout Settings

-Go to the "Splits" tab

-Scroll down to the "Columns" section

-Copy the settings that I posted in the link above

RaggedDan aiment ceci