It has been 6 days with nothing happening
2 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Why is nothing happening to my run its been 6 days

Act_ aiment ceci
Washington, USA

You should go to the leaderboard of the game you are running, and look up the moderators for it. Click their profiles and send them messages on this website as well as any additional sites linked to their account (Twitch/Youtube/Discord). If your run waits 4+ weeks without verification, and you have made a decent attempt to contact the moderators, you can attempt to become a moderator of the game yourself.

But start with what I said at first: contact the mods of your game. Also post in the forum for your specific game, which is viewable on it's page right above the list of mods. This is a general discussion forum, so nobody here knows what game you are running because you didn't mention it.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Deux et Act_ aime ceci

Note the site rules specify that you should wait at least two weeks before pinging the moderators of the game about a run:

[quote]Once you have submitted your run to a game on the site, please wait at least 14 days prior to contacting the moderators of the game regarding your run.

Game moderators are generally provided 21 days to handle a run submission. If the game moderators have logged into the site recently, please do not ask site staff prior to this. It is not a requirement for moderators to verify all runs every time they visit the site, we understand people have lives.[/quote]

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