Any chance of adding a GB category?
4 years ago
United States

Currently the only version of Flipull that I have is the game boy version. I noticed that there isn't a separate page for the GB version. Is there a chance that a GB 1-10 category would be added here? I don't think a 1-50 GB category is possible as I believe that the game glitches out before then.

Tennessee, USA

Hey there, I looked into this a bit, and I've decided I'll add the GB version to this board. There don't seem to be too many differences between the two versions (except for the fact that GB glitches out in stage 49 I believe).

I'll only make a 1-10 category for now, but if someone wants to submit 1-49 or whatever it is then I'll add that later.

Tennessee, USA

Category has been added. It looks a bit weird because it still says Normal/Advanced, but just submit to Normal.

If I get better at managing leaderboards and making them look nice then I'll adjust that later. But for now, you can submit the GB version if you have a run of that version :)

United States

Cool! I'll try to get a run done and submitted later today.

smartalec24 aiment ceci
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Hi all,

First off, thank you to the Board Boosters group for giving this game a shot! When I first created this leaderboard, it was shortly after Big20 #11, and I volunteered to set up a board as the game didn't have one. Thanks for looking into this game and putting in the work! Makes me want to r

1 month ago
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Publié 4 years ago
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