Leaderboard management
3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

I'm the orginial creator of this leaderboard, back in 2015, but due to work and personal life complications, I ended up quitting speedrunning indefinitely. Not sure if I can come back someday even.

As a result, I have been distant from this leaderboard and my responsibility as a moderator for many years. I didn't even know there was a discord at some point!

I'm sorry for abandoning this and leaving runs unverified for months. I know it's tricky because the community here is not as active as with other speedgames, but if any of you are willing to be a mod and take care of this leaderboard alongside me and Winslinator, feel free to contact me.

In 2015 I hoped to initiate a community around this game, since it was very dear to me and the speedrun is so much fun, but life had other plans. I would still like to see this flourish though. No more monthly waits for verification, more guides and tutorials being made, runs appearing in marathons... so needless to say, we don't need another ghost mod such as myself, we need an active one (well, as active as a small speedgame such as this can get).

Have a nice day y'all!

DanielHall aiment ceci
Anglesey, Wales

Hey! Thanks for coming back for verification, I'm grateful for the quick response. I agree with your post, although I would like to add that since I've been playing, that Discord channel had been down a few times before disappearing. It would be nice to get a new channel running again to promote activity within the game, I think it would be a lot more direct than the SRC forums.

If you're interested, I will step up as a moderator. I created the Flicky disassembly back in 2015 and I'm an active TASer in the Sonic Speedrun Community, so I have a working knowledge of what is and isn't mechanically possible within the game. My current schedule allows me to check SRC at least once a day and having no other games to moderate, they should be handled as promptly as possible.


Alright, eveyone!

I've created a new discord server, link updated here on the left. I'll add Daniel as a mod too.

Daniel, src asks that you enable e-mail authentication for me to add you (unless I'm doing something wrong?).

If any of you would like, here's the new discord: https://discord.gg/U9YC8zp5 It's bare bones for now, we'll add more stuff as people show up.

Statistiques du jeu
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Round 48
Niveau: Round 46
Niveau: Round 45
Niveau: Round 44
Niveau: Round 42
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