Publié 5 months ago par

Regarding macros and key rebinds, I've clarified rule 8 in the general rules.

Most important is: Don't use macros except those provided in the #macros channel in BFSR Discord and don't rebind keys to the scroll wheel. I've also added some more examples of third-party programs not to use. Additionally, a macro will be provided in #macros to make the "doom-scrolling" technique more accessible to those without a free-scroll mouse.

Don't forget to check out this rule change (and join the Bigfoot Speedrunning Discord)!

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Publié 7 months ago par
  • Added v2: v2 is now separate from v3. This means there is an empty leaderboard for each category in "[v2] Glacier Bay". The previous Glacier Bay category now only contains v3 runs
  • Added info on version switching. This might have already been last update, but I don't think I mentioned it
  • Reminder that a single run may qualify for different categories
  • Reminder about mystic stones in 100%
  • Renamed the default version variable to "4.4 patch 2"
  • Simplified the names of Glacier Bay and Jasper Park
  • Other minor changes
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Publié 8 months ago par
  • 331 rename: 331 has been renamed to MaxDif to include versions 1-3, where there are no difficulty settings. Instead, it functions more like glitchless, where the added rule is that Bigfoot cannot get trapped on the map's geometry to allow for an easier kill. MaxDif on versions 4 and 5 remains the same.

  • 100%, All Clues, and MaxDif for all versions: Solid rules have been set up to allow for 100%, All Clues and MaxDif in older versions. All Clues in these versions still requires Bigfoot to be killed, as there is no evidence ending. Rules for these categories in v4 and v5 have also been separated for better readability. You can view these changes in the respective Category Rules.

  • Map-to-version: Redwood, Winter, and Yellowstone now have a v4 and a v5 variant each, meaning v5 has its own leaderboards for MaxDif, 100%, and All Clues. This also means the category "Any% (v5)" is no longer needed and has been archived. Runs under this category have been moved over the the v5 versions of their respective map. "Any% (v1-4)" is now called "Any%" again, and Any% v5 runs will fall under this category too. Additionally, the version numbers have been added to the pre-v4 maps for clarity.

  • Reformatted the rules: Each rule now has an emboldened summary for an easier overview. Additionally, the rules have been reordered, so that previous mentions of a certain rule number may not correlate to the correct rule anymore. Rules have also been reworded. Make sure to reread them before submitting a run.

  • More version specific rules: There are now version-specific rules for the win conditions and the start and stop times, which can be found in the Category Rules of each category. If the new official start and stop times benefit you, you may request any run(s) to be retimed.

  • The host is the timer: For multiplayer, the lobby host's time will now always be used to verify runs. An exception is made if the host's death messes with the indicator for stopping the time. If this change impacts you, you may request any run(s) to be retimed.

  • Clarifications in 100%: In addition to listing the requirements for old versions, v4 and v5 have been reworded slightly. Not much should have changed, but it should be easier to understand now.

  • No v2 (yet): v2 will, for the time being, be included under the v3 leaderboards. This has been done for a few reasons. Mainly, we have far less information about v2 than the other versions. There hasn't even been a v2 run submitted to the leaderboards. Additionally, Glacier Bay is still present in v3, so it's not like you're missing out on a whole map. Finally, v2 isn't vastly different from v3, and if anything, has more annoying bugs. v2 may be separated later, once we do more research on it.

  • "Players" variable: Added a description to the "players" variable to inform v1 runners that there is no quartet category for that version.

  • Cover image: Replaced the cover image for the site with something more fitting (literally).

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Publié 1 year ago par

Separate LB for Any% on 5.0, Ross Lake, Trios and Quartets back on All Clues, and more!

  • Added an "Any% (v5)" category. "Any% (v5)" exists to offer a clean slate to people wanting to run modern Bigfoot. There have been many changes to slow down runs, and I don't want those good v4.4 times (now under "Any% (v1-4)") to demotivate new people. 331, 100%, and All Clues all continue to contain v5 runs, as there aren't as many changes, and there aren't as many runs in those categories.
  • Finally added Ross Lake.
  • Re-Reorganized the categories, so that the true "category" (e.g. any%) is higher than the "player count". I changed it around prior to the big update, and now I changed it back since it makes sense for Bigfoot again. (That doesn't mean there are bunch of other problems with trying to split this game into categories... but it's good enough!)
  • Reopened All Clues to Trios and Quartets. Even though there isn't a major distinction between those and All Clues Duos, I feel that it's better to have the possibility to participate in those leaderboards, rather than having them blocked off.
  • Reworded some rules to be a bit more precise. Nothing major changed, but I'd still recommending taking a look at them before running (especially if you're new).
  • Archived "Full Game" category. Initially I was going to reopen it for 4.0 (now 5.0), but a potential 4x20 minutes is quite a lot of footage to go over, compared to the previous Full-Game times back when it was 2 maps.

Edit 2/16: Refined some more rules. Again, not much should have changed, but take a look before running.

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Publié 1 year ago par

Unfortunately for us, 5.0 brings with it many changes that hinder the ability to get good times in speedruns. Examples include: flare guns repelling bigfoot rather than stunning, the night vision camera no longer being able to safe clip (photo camera still works), stealthier ambushes, a lack of an "attack warning roar", different trap mechanics... etc.

These changes make it significantly harder, if not impossible, to kill Bigfoot in night 1, and even a kill during night 2 seems difficult. That being said, I won't include an official 5.0 category for the time being. However, you can still submit a run in v5.0, but it will be ranked with the v4 runs, and will therefore face fiercer competition.

If enough interest in a separate 5.0 leaderboard is shown, or a "good" 5.0 run is submitted (I'm thinking less than 30 minutes, or if you can demonstrate new strategies that will help bring down the time a lot), then I'll consider making one.

(mentions of 5.0 refer to any post-update-5 version)

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Publié 1 year ago par

5.0 released again a few weeks ago and (hopefully) won't be reverted again. As such, you can expect to see a 5.0 category coming sometime in the near future, but only after critical bugs are ironed out. I'll wait another few weeks for an additional patch, and if it seems good after that, I'll add the category. For now, you can downgrade to the latest patch of 4.4 to speedrun.

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Publié 1 year ago par

Macros & 100%/evi Changes

  • Added to the rules that macros are allowed to set up lobbies, but are disallowed during the timed portion of the run

  • It is no longer required that you timestamp when each piece of evidence (footprints, scratches, dead bodies, bigfoot) is taken in All Clues and 100% runs

  • All dead body icons must be shown on the map in 100% (back by popular demand)

  • The journal must now always be shown with ALL evidence complete in All Clues and 100% runs

Version 5 runs still won't be accepted, for obvious reasons. Join the discord!

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Publié 1 year ago par

Hello again, didn't expect to post again so soon.

As you may have seen [here], Cyberlight is reverting back to Bigfoot version 4 while they do a workaround with account linking, since apparently a lot of people dislike having to link an Epic Games account. For speedrunning, this likely means we'll be staying in 4.4 for a bit longer, as I still expect 5.1's rerelease (or 5.2... shouldn't it have been called 5.0.1 anyway?) to be the next update. This, of course, may well take over a month. I'll add the rule changes I mentioned in the last post in the upcoming days, so stay tuned for that.

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Publié 1 year ago par

Quick update in that we won't be accepting runs in version 5.0 at this point in time. As 5.0 is a major downgrade for speedrunning anyway, we may as well wait a few weeks for some patches to be made to the game. Once we feel 5.0 is stable enough to be ran, runs done in that version will be separate from v4 runs. Next post will hopefully be the admission of 5.0 + some rule changes (again).

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Publié 1 year ago par

I have once again gone over the rules and have tried my best to clarify them, while making some more precise. The most notable changes are:

  • There is now a rule for the exact frame a run starts and ends on (if you think your run would benefit from a 0.08 second lower time, message me (Lemn))
  • You must now show the build version (in preparation for the next update (soon?))
  • In 100%, the journal must be shown with all completed objectives, excluding the Bigfoot photo, which can be taken after
  • A list of location timestamps is no longer needed in 100%
  • Showing the fullscreen map is now more recommended the lower your resolution and bitrate are (legibility)
  • All clues runs ran in trios and quartets will no longer be accepted (they are too similar to duos)

I'll also be doing one-off "bonus" categories in the Bigfoot Speedrunning Discord (, which would be too niche to warrant a category on the website.

Surely UE5 update releases soon, right guys?

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Publié 1 year ago par

(Minor Update)

  • Moved glitchless runs further into the depths of the void by sorting them into an "Archive" category in the same section as the main maps. The "glitchless" tag for runs has been removed as well. Let me know if your glitchless run has somehow gone missing.
  • Fullscreen map and filled out journal are no longer required to be shown in 100%/all clues runs. The journal can (and must) now be shown at any time in both categories, and the fullscreen map helps me verify 100%, so it's still recommended.
  • Reworded the 100% dead body requirement to be a bit neater.

I might add a new category once Ross Lake releases... but which one? ?

Obligatory speedrun discord server plug:

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Publié 2 years ago par

New category, old category, and minor rule changes (likely won't impact your runs)

New: Added a "331" category where you have to kill Bigfoot on max difficulty. Removed (or better said, archived) glitchless runs, as they aren't very unique and span over all categories with there only several being glitchless runs overall. All Clues and 100% are staying as they are more unique.

Changes: Merged two rules together since they were overlapping anyway: "The submitted video must be an uninterrupted recording that starts at the lobby screen and ends at the final statistics screen" Added clarification to Any%: "Health/damage/loot settings can be set to anything, but 113 is currently recommended" Added clarification to All Clues: "Do not kill Bigfoot, as this is an evidence only run" Added clarification to 100%, amending "discover all dead body locations": "they don't need to be shown as icons on the map, but it needs to be clear that you noticed all of them". This was put in place as it takes quite a bit of time for a body to register as discovered. Cleaned up some of the other rules

I hope you're all hyped for the new Ross Lake's release in (hopefully) a few weeks-months!

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Publié 2 years ago par

(New) Discord server for Bigfoot speedrunning, where you can share strategies, find other runners, and help the overall development of the (albeit small) Bigfoot speedrun community: If you're looking for the main and official Bigfoot Discord server:

Also, I cleaned up and clarified some of the rules. There aren't any new rules that could prevent a run that was fine before this update from being verified, but I still encourage you to reread some of the rules just to be safe. Some final important things related to rules that I'd like to point out are:

  • Co-op runs need all perspectives linked (in the main submitted video and/or the run description)
  • The timer starts as soon as the controls screen pops up and ends once Bigfoot dies and the final cutscene starts (for any% and 100%; I also retime all runs anyway, so you don't have to be 100% accurate with your time)
  • The Bigfoot "walking glitch," where Bigfoot doesn't flee in spite of being attacked, is allowed in unrestricted runs, as well as the new (to me) glitch where he walks between two points and doesn't run away, as it is pretty similar. For future glitches that drastically reduce the time, you may have to explain how the glitch works for the glitch to be considered valid (abiding by the rule that says: Glitches that are too rare and random are not allowed)

Thanks for all the runs recently, and good luck with your runs in 2023 and beyond!

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Publié 2 years ago par
  • New rules for 100% category (read them for more details)

  • Minor changes to all categories rules

  • Full-game leaderboard deleted. It will be restarted from scratch when the game will have a fixed amount of map and won't be updated no more.

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Publié 2 years ago par
  • Reorganization of categories. Your runs have all been moved by hand into their new category for better readability (send me a message if one of your run is missing after the rework)

  • Full-game category will be deleted because more maps are coming every update changing the full-game lenght and I don't find relevant to let it. Let me know if you agree with that.

  • New rule for Coop runs : EACH player's point of view have to be recorded and uploaded for the run to be verified as of 29/08/2022

  • If you haven't noticed yet, I've written a thread on the forum to recruit a moderator-verifier. Take a look if you are interested in helping me ?

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Bigfoot Speedrun Update #11

Regarding macros and key rebinds, I've clarified rule 8 in the general rules.

Most important is: Don't use macros except those provided in the #macros channel in BFSR Discord and don't rebind keys to the scroll wheel. I've also added some more examples of third-party programs not to use. Addition

5 months ago
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