Any% Glitchless Full Cast Post Apoc category interest?
3 years ago
Alabama, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I really enjoy playing this game pretty casually and one of my favorite things was recollecting all the cast post apocalypse to take into Kefka's tower.

Does anyone have any interest in a category like this where you have to collect everyone post apoc, including Mog, Umaru, Gogo... etc..?

I feel like this would be a pretty unique category that would add a lot of room for different optimizations and routing than the standard glitchless runs and provide fresh content to also be optimized.

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Ontario, Canada

The community has a run similar like the one your asking about, we call it All Characters and Espers. The goal of the run is to get all 14 characters and 26 espers (Turning Odin into Raiden and Ragnarok Esper) then beating the game.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
buffalax et Shanezell aime ceci
Alabama, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Hmm, so the only real difference would be the collection of all the Espers. That's probably not enough for this category to be worth running then, Thanks for the info!

Texas, USA

I'm not 100% on this but I do believe that the "All Characters and Espers" isn't a official catagory yet. With enough interest maybe one day it will be.

Missouri, USA

You are correct it is not officially a category. There are a handful of us that have times for the run, might be able to make it a reality with some interest.

LunarChimera et Shanezell aime ceci
Michigan, USA

I've been working on setting up a 254/255 item run in the last year or so if you're interested in that as well. I have the videos for that up on YT, mind you presently its about a 24 hour run (its got a lot of time that can be saved pretty easily mind you if you've done the speedrun and know what you're doing)

I was working on re-routing it last year and I think I had cut down most of the WoB by at least an hour I think up to Terra at Zozo

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