Genuine Category
Had some ideas for a new category which I call Genuine that kind of builds upon Glitchless.
Version: Fear 1.08 - Retail
Rules • SuicideMachine's Autoloader required • No OOB or Glitches • No skipping cinematics • No flashlight or any other kind of mods, 1920 subtitles allowed • Quicksaves and Quickloads allowed
Required Settings: • 1920x1080x32 resolution • Default Gamma only • Computer Maximum • Graphics Maximum • "FovYWidescreen" "59.00" in autoexec.cfg • Textures set to Medium if Maximum gives loading glitches
Modifié par l'auteur
This very specific set of requirements and rules does not qualify for adding another category. Don't let that stop you from doing the run, though.
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