Temporary suspension of development of the mobile version
Temporary suspension of development of the mobile version
Publié 11 months ago par

Recently, the developer of "Eyes the horror game Remastered" (Vivmax) announced that the development of the mobile version of the game has been temporarily suspended, he is now developing a new update for the PC version of the game. "I've temporarily suspended development on the mobile version, I'll see how things play out with Unity's new policy," Vivmax wrote in response to a subscriber's question. / Недавно разработчик "Eyes the horror game Remastered" (Vivmax) сообщил о том, что разработка мобильной версии игры временно приостановлена, сейчас он занимается разработкой новым обновлением для ПК версии игры. "Я временно приостановил разработку мобильной версии, буду смотреть, как будут складываться обстоятельства с новой политикой Unity" - написал Vivmax в ответ на вопрос подписчика.

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Temporary suspension of development of the mobile version

Recently, the developer of "Eyes the horror game Remastered" (Vivmax) announced that the development of the mobile version of the game has been temporarily suspended, he is now developing a new update for the PC version of the game. "I've temporarily suspended development on the mobile version, I'll

11 months ago
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