Sega Saturn Guide for Story 100% speedrun.
Sega Saturn Guide for Story 100% speedrun.
Mis à jour 1 year ago par SUPERVEGETA64

UPDATE: Hello, Here is a quick guide for beating this game 100% The previous guide was a mess and I tried my best to shorten it so here goes. You can still read my previous guide at the end which was a mess, kinda ,I had trouble reading my own guide LOL Enjoy ^_^

Stage 1 Saiyan Saga

Choose Gohan, Krilin and Piccolo, remove Gohan and Krilin to keep Piccolo. Let him die vs Nappa. Try to manage Ki bar so you can always move towards him after getting hit. Interrupt him when he launches Ki balls. It will take 4 turns for Nappa to finish Piccolo and you should bring the character select menu just before receiving the last hit that would turn the balance all the way Red to save some time. Select Goku as Piccolo is fading away. Biggest run killer here: You need to finish this stage with a Genkidama. Very important. (arrhem make sure your exact order vs Nappa will be Kamehameha/Genkidama/Kamehameha and then vs Vegeta Genkidama/Kamehameha/Genkidama) Beat Nappa by doing Down SMASH to DOWN SMASH combos and managing your KI bar as with every enemy (always make sure you have enough Ki since it does not replenish after a SUPER so manage the KI bar at all time during this run) , but make sure your first Super Attack is a Kamehameha or else just Reset since you want the full 100 points because if you get the Genkidama first then it will set up the orders of your Super Attacks so that Vegeta will be finished with the wrong attack: the Kamehameha and you will not get the promised 100 points.

Stage 2 Namek Saga

Choose Krilin and Gohan but replace them with Goku. Do 2 Supers vs Guldo and then replace him with Vegeta. Let Vegeta kill Guldo and then when Recoom joins the fights, replace Vegeta with Goku and defeat Recoom all the way so that Burter and Jeice come to avenge him. You will then need Vegeta to help you. Bring him in, so while you have control of Vegeta, make him target Jeice. With Goku, target Burter and defeat him. Try to get him far away from Jeice so you defeat him uninterrupted. When Burter is done, Ginyu will appear to fight us. As Goku, do 2 Super Attacks on Ginyu and then 2 on Jeice. With Goku still in the fight, Kill Jeice with Vegeta. Make some damage as Goku then remove him to let Vegeta finish off Ginyu. You need to do a HI CONNECT of at least: just do your best and don't worry about that requirement yet.

Stage 3 Frieza Saga

Choose Gohan, Krilin and Vegeta but then remove Gohan and Krilin to let Vegeta be killed by Frieza It can sometimes takes more than 3 turns. Try to be on the character select screen when he dies, it will save some time as I mentionned earlier. You will then choose only Goku and you will do 2 Super Attacks vs Frieza. When done, switch over to Gohan, Krilin and Piccolo but remove Gohan and Piccolo to leave Krilin alone against the mighty Frieza. Let him die in 3 turns. I mean, wish for a quick 3 turns!! XD

(UPDATE: I just discovered that Frieza can still kill in a slow 4 turns here if he gets his weak super twice...if the order is the one where he slashes the air followed by his death beams and followed by his weak super again where he slashes the air...I reccomend you reset... even if Frieza got 3 supers, the randomness can choose to put your run in jeopardy with a 4 never happened before and now I got 3 dead runs in 2 days...what??UPDATE UPDATE: IT HAPPENS A LOT !!!)

Still try to bring the menu before the power balance turns Red to select Goku right away after Frieza's Super. Just beat Frieza with Super Saiyan Goku. You need to do a HI CONNECT of at least : don't worry about it for now since you had no trouble pummeling Frieza.

Stage 4 The Androids saga

Choose Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta. You will face off vs Android 19 and 20 which is Dr.Gero. As Goku, target Dr.Gero, get him far from #19 and try to land 2 Super Attacks on him. When done, target #19 and do 2 Supers as Goku and remove him from the fight. As Piccolo, finish Dr.Gero and remove him to let Vegeta kill #19. Android 17 and 18 will then come to fight you. You will now bring Goku, Trunks and Piccolo. You will battle android #17, #18 and since Goku is here too, #16 will also show up. As soon as the battle starts, make all your team target one android each so that we can keep them busy instead of having an aggressive 2 v 1. So as Goku, you need to do 2 Supers on 17 and then 2 Supers on 18. b As mentionned above, bringing Goku will also make 16 join the fight. No big deal, just don't waste any Supers on him. When Goku has done his job, remove him. Now, as Piccolo, you need to finish #17 and as Trunks you need to finish #18. They are now 1 turn away from dying. (OLD STRATEGY which relies on luck and not bringing Goku: Just hope on getting those fast 3 turns vs them because it will be a pain. It is all random but sometimes it can take 4 turns for Piccolo or even Trunks, to do the kill. Just hope for the god of randomness to be on your side. Just finish them one after the other.) You need to do a HI CONNECT of at least 6 hits here to get 100points.

Stage 5 Cell Saga

Choose Goku only and land 2 Super Attacks vs Cell but then let cell do 2 Super Attacks against you. You will then replace Goku with Vegeta, Krilin and Piccolo. Cell with create some Cell JRs. but will leave the fight. You then replace everyone with Gohan and Trunks so that Cell comes back. Kill 3 Cell JRs (that makes 9 turns...urgh) and then let Cell kill Trunks. This one is hard I tell you. Sometimes, while you want Trunks to get comboed hard by Cell, Gohan will cancel all your progress by beating a Cell JRs. and that will bring the red balance to the blue side, which we do not want since we want Trunks to die... (urgh) You will then replace Gohan with Goku to let him die vs Cell. When Goku is dead, bring Gohan to avenge his father. You need to do a HI CONNECT of at least 7 hits to get 100 points here.

Stage 6 Majin Buu Saga

Choose Gohan as the Great Saiyaman to fight Dabura. Do 2 Supers on him so that Majin Vegeta will appears to fight you. Replace Gohan with Goku only and let him die but it needs to be Majin Vegeta who delivers the COUP DE GRACE. This is tricky because Majin Vegeta, even when he is on the bad side, won't even bring the power balance to their side. Every hit you reveive from Majin Vegeta won't even affect the balance at all so...let Dabura do 2 Supers vs Goku. You will be 1 Super away from dying. Let Dabura combo you but at the last moment, switch your target to Majin Vegeta so that when the balance turns red, it will be Majin Vegeta doing his Super and not Dabura(which would kill the run). When Goku fades away, bring Gohan to fight them but target only Dabura. Try to get him far from Majin Vegeta since Dabura is only 1 Super away from dying and you don't want interruptions. As Dabura dies, the big Majin Buu will apear and now Majin Vegeta will join your side. Do 1 Super with Gohan and then let him be beaten. When Gohan is done, bring Majin Vegeta to get hit by Majin Buu 2 times then replace him with Goten and Trunks briefly. Bring back Majin Vegeta alone to finish Majin Buu. Oh and your HI CONNECT needs to be at least 8 hits to get 100 points here.

Stage 7 Super Buu Saga

Choose SSJ Goku to the THIRD POWER and do 2 Super vs Majin Buu. As the fight goes, try to get the balance to the red side so you have room for a HI CONNECT of 9 hits in this stage. You can do the big combo anytime during the stage 7 but I highly recommend you get this done right away. You do not want to end the stage with only a 8 hits thus failing to get 100points. So yeah, with SSJ Goku TO THE THIRD POWER:get 2 Supers on Majin Buu and replace him with Goten and Trunks so they can fuse into SSJ GOTENKS TO THE THIRD POWER. Do the remaining Super vs Majin Buu to finish him. Super Buu will then appears which will cause Mystic Gohan to arrive, saving the day. Remove Mystic Gohan to let SSJ GOTENKS TO THE THIRD POWER do 2 Supers on Super Buu. Remove Gotenks to let Mystic Gohan into the fight alone. Finish Super Buu with Mystic Gohan. You need a HI CONNECT of at least 9 hits here to get 100points. Believe me, the CPU can counter a lot and you could end up doing only 8 hits instead of 9. HOPE.


You select SUPER VEGETTO and beat Super Buu. When Super Buu is done, SUPER VEGETTO will unfuse and Kid Buu will appear to fight. Choose SSJ GOKU TO THIRD POWER and do 1 Super vs Kid Buu and then let Kid Buu do 2 Supers on SSJ GOKU TO THE THIRD POWER so that he reverts back to normal Kaoiken Goku. Replace Goku with Vegeta and let Kid Buu do 2 Supers on him. This will bring back the big Majin Buu to help you vs Kid Buu. As soon as you get control of the big Buu, bring the menu to see if Goku is actually charging his Genkidama. When he does, replace Vegeta with Goku and do 2 Supers on Kid Buu. This will be the toughest fight ever and you will need to land a HI CONNECT of at least 10 Hits to get the full 100points. Good luck.

What you're still here? wanna read the RAW version below? good luck on that too :) Cheers


This game is really something. But let's get to the point.

When you first put the disc in.. then you press start... you are at the Menu. Choose the first option and you can prepare to press Start very fast to skip the next cutscene. As soon as you see Vegeta and Nappa NOW LOADING you don't need to mash Start anymore, so just Hope for the best cuz here we go.

Stage 1 How to start a good run.

First of all after the loading screen the game brings you to the character select screen in which you have to select very rapidly Gohan , Krilin and Piccolo. just press right confirm ,right confirm ,right confirm and finally the character select button to start the Stage. If you hold the button it can un-select the current character so be careful and press it very precisely each time you use the character select screen. When Gohan , Krilin and Piccolo show up along with Nappa , our first enemy, press the character select button to remove Gohan and Krilin from the battle. Just press right confirm , right right confirm and the character select button again to close it.

Now with Piccolo,you must die against Nappa so try to approach our enemy and hope he starts a combo really fast. Try to always have enough energy to move faster so you can get hit more. If Nappa is preparing small Ki balls at you be sure to interrupt him so the game doesn't lag. Also no need to mention how those Ki balls don't do the desired damage so don't let Nappa waste his precious energy because you don't want to end up having to wait for him to recharge his energy then hope for a big combo. I always mash direction to let the computer know I'm moving so they may get more aggressive... but it's mostly luck. When you get smashed on whatever direction, try to cancel so you can get closer to the enemy. After Nappa landed 3 attacks, when the 3rd one finishes, press rapidly the character select screen just so we see our character(*fuly optional but can still save time) and close it by pressing character select screen again. Now as Piccolo just received the 3rd super Attack you still try to get hit by a 4th attack from Nappa but try to press character select screen before the last hit of the Red power balance so that it will bring you to the character select screen faster than just letting a character die. Since we can see the animation of the dying character while selecting our hero this can save time, but can also take as much if not more when certain random speeches are going.. So when Piccolo dies it can be Krilin , Gohan , Goku or even Kaio-Sama(KingKai) talking and the slowest speech is by Goku, all the other are fast. (I just like to have a run with Gohan saying: PICCOLO SAN !!! DONT DIE) Okay so let's start this by selecting Goku and press character select screen to close it. When you show up against Nappa try not to be too aggressive doing your approach..It's mostly best to approach him until a certain safe distance then use your Aura to become stronger/faster and as soon as you are in range for a DOWN SMASH, DO IT !!!! and AGAIN AND AGAIN until: 1- Nappa counters : you need to really hope for the best :P You can also continue a Down Smash to down down attack so a combo begins and wait a bit before Down Smashing again, and again. Vary your timing and direction if the computer is countering. But those are only backup strats. 2- Nappa didn't counter any of your DOWN SMASH to DOWN SMASH to DOWN SMASH etc... Now we can see Goku doing his first super attack and that where things might get bad... In the Sega Saturn Version of the game, the Special Attacks are in random orders... What you want here is for Goku to do a Kamehameha on his first turn. So that since we have 2 Special attacks it can start with the Genkidama. The thing here is that this is a speedrun, and we need those 100 points. The game will only give you 100 points if you finished Vegeta with a Genkidama. Since Goku is taking 3 turns for him to defeat Nappa or Vegeta, if you start a run with a Kamehameha(which is the default first special in the ps1 version so you cant screw up) it will set things up for a Genkidama to finish Vegeta. As far as I know , this is all random and you need to reset if the game didn't give you the Kamehameha as the first attack vs Nappa.

Sooo..... After landing the first Kamehameha on Nappa, Charge your energy (note that it's really long from the moment you press the button to the animation to the you can ACTUALLY see you energy you really get vulnerable while recharging. Try to recharge after every special attack that you do and in general always have enough ... if not you might end up trying to escape while wasting what little you have left then get comboed hard. So when you have enough energy after you first Special Attack, try to approach Nappa again by mostly letting him move your way. Then when you are in range (try to do a DOWN SMASH from a good distance to see what is your range, the range can be better than you would expect as it kinda teleports you above the opponent while Smashing them downward. There is nothing else super special here ,just get those 3 Super Attacks to end Nappa. Now as soon as Vegeta gets there, Charge , since he is far and you most likely need energy since you just did a Special Attack (special attacks don't take energy but bringing the power balance to your side to get a Special will take you energy (yellow) you can throw some small ki Blasts to interrupt Vegeta then when you get in that range , start your thing.. Be it a DOWN SMASH TO DOWN SMASH etc.. and get a fast luck passsive Vegeta. If he gets aggressive try to distance yourself again and start the DOWN SMASH to down down attack to start a small combo, then wait a bit to DOWN SMASH him again etc... AI can be a pain even when doing the most careful thing, THEY KNOW you will drain your energy so they teleport sometimes at the very last hit before the power balance turns blue. Really a pain. When all is done here , defeating Vegeta with the Genkidama, you get you 100 points. Not to mention you need Hi-connect of at least: dont worry for now since you did well spamming down smash to down smash.


Wow this guide... :P takes more time than I thought. So now when the first stage ends and you see Porunga make sure to spam confirm then Start to skip the next cutscene. When you see the Ginyu Force(tokusentai) Now loading you don't need to press start so calm down now and prepare for some more waiting since as soon as the character select screen comes up ,you select Gohan and Krilin: right confirm, right confirm , then press character select to close it. Now you have time to grab something in the fridge, drink water, even might have time to take a leak, since the entire Ginyu force will appear and do their animation, use this time well. When at the end of all that, only Guldo will remain to fight Gohan and Krilin. As soon as the fight start , bring up the character select screen to select Goku + remove Gohan and Krilin. You press confirm right confirm right confirm and character select button again. You bring up Goku to do 2 Super Attacks vs Guldo. So start approach him while being careful and pummel him to the ground when in range. When you did your 2 Super Attacks as Goku, try to bring the power balance to your side but not completly (since Goku does more damage, he brings the balance faster than the others at this point). When you have a big advantage , kick Guldo by doing a UP SMASH so you can recharge before removing Goku from the fight to replace him with Vegeta for the kill. (If you don't recharge now you might regret later vs Reecoom). Bring out Vegeta only and finish Guldo (Vegeta takes 4 turns of Special attack to kill so that's why we used Goku the more we can before finishing an opponent).

Now that Guldo is dead, Reecoom will join the fight. Now you need to replace Vegeta by Goku only. If you did recharge your energy before you should be at full power starting vs Reecoom so you can start approaching right away. Try to hope for the best. Do your 3 Super attacks vs Reecoom and when you defeat him , Barta and Jeice will appears so it becomes 2 vs 1. Quickly bring Vegeta to the fight and as soon as he gets there, Make him select Jeice , use your Aura to dash faster towards him. Then switch to Goku and hope that Barta is in range to start a combo. Try to smash him far away from Jeice at first since you don't want interuptions. Manage Vegeta if he still didnt catch up to Jeice. Try to start a combo with each character, so if you do a DOWN SMASH to down down attack , press L to switch character, try to start the same combo so that the balance of power will go to your side faster(only if all goes well, you could end up being combo'ed hard by both Jeice and Barta...which is the complete opposite of what you want) So while pummeling Barta with Goku ,use your 3 super attacks to defeat him.. then Ginyu will join the fight. Charge your energy well (as always) before engaging in 'Goku vs Ginyu' while your assist, Vegeta should have control of the situation against Jeice. When you did your 2 super attacks on Ginyu as Goku.. still do some damage to Ginyu as much as you can, smash him far from you then switch the target (press R) to make Goku select Jeice as the main target. Switch to Vegeta by pressing L and try to combo Jeice so that you can switch back to Goku before the Balance goes all the way Blue. You can try to flying towards Jeice as Goku but he will most likely be too far so it will take too much time. When you did 1 Super attack on Jeice as Goku , switch back to Vegeta to target Ginyu and go in his direction to keep him busy while you switch back to Goku and do the remaining Super attack on Jeice. If all is done well, you should be 1 super away from killing each of them. To have the points you need Vegeta to finish off Jeice first while Goku is still there then take Goku out of the fight. You can make the more damage with Goku so switch well, at the last moment. Don't forget to REMOVE GOKU as soon as Jeice is killed by Vegeta. Then finish Ginyu with only Vegeta. You must have a Hi-connect of: still don't worry about it :P

Wow we only at the 3rd STAGE?? :P

So to start this stage, Bring out Gohan , Krilin and Vegeta against the mighty Frieza. As soon as it starts, remove Gohan and Krilin to let Vegeta die. Frieza should not chill all day doing small useless KiBlast but if he does, make you to interupt him so he can start doing some actual damage to you. At this point the game will combo you more often. If you want to save a bit of time when he dies. try to press character select button just before Frieza does his 3rd Power Balance (Frieza will need to do 3 super attack to kill) so that you will be at the character select screen while we see Vegeta dying after the attack. Hope to not have Goku speak up or it's a time loss :P All the others are fast so and if it's Kaio-Sama and friends they won't even speak up so this is as fast as the others. When you select Goku only, Try to hope for the best, as at this point the game may get very aggressive when Smashing, even as the opening blow. Do 2 Super Attacks on Frieza( the orders of the Genkidama doesn't matter here, it's only Vegeta Stage really strict with the requierement). Then As soon as the 2nd attack finishes, don't take you time to recharge Goku.. just Remove him and replace him with Gohan Piccolo and Krilin. When they show up only keep Krilin, so remove Gohan and Piccolo. Let Frieza finish Krilin. As the above, try to be on the character select screen when receiving the final blow from Frieza. If you are lucky , Goku might say: KURIRIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*fully optional but can save time compared to not doing character select screen while a character is dying) When Goku finally turned SSJ, select him to avenge your best friend Krilin. Be ruthless. Don't let Frieza have the chance to counter your Down Smash. Try to extend your auto-combo as much as you can to fill up the bar because everytime you Down Smash , it's a risk that Frieza can counter it. Manage your energy well or you will run up of energy before even finishing Frieza, If you did a good 2 or 3 hits DOWN SMASH, stop it and recharge while your opponent is still tired. Use this time well to resume your pummeling to the ground. Now this is only the bad scenario. You could always be lucky and beat Frieza really fast without him countering much. With a 3rd a final super attacks( since you did 2 as Normal Goku) , Frieza is defeated by SSJ Goku. You still don't really need to worry about Hi-connect here, since we pummel alot to the ground and doing 8 to 9 hit Connect is just a standard (when no countering).

STAGE 4, THE HARDEST....!!!!!! ?!!!!! ?

This stage is SO HARD sometimes... So to start against the androids. Bring out SSJ Goku , Piccolo and SSJ Vegeta. As soon as it starts, Use Goku and target Dr.Gero (Android #20, the old man). If you are lucky, Piccolo and Vegeta should have the control vs Android #19 while you do your stuff. So You need Goku to do 2 Super attacks on both Androids. I always start with Dr.Gero. Goku is still the fastest one to kill in 3 turns . So if you take Piccolo or Vegeta to do super Attacks they will not get a 3 turns (Piccolo might but it's random, need 2 makankosappo in those 3 turns) Hence we use Goku to make the more damage we can in this run. While also getting the full 100 points in each stages. When you did your 2 Supers on Gero as Goku, you can still damage Gero a little then smash far away from you. Press L to switch to the others and see who is the nearest from Android #19 and use that character to start a combo so that when you switch back to Goku you Target Android #19 and get a Super Attacks while your assist is doing the combo you started. You can also just fly with Goku towards them if you are lucky it won't be that far. Be sure to not kill them as Goku. Only do 2 Supers on each. then remove Goku (since the Super attacks don't have the same damage, Most characters have a stronger Super . dont screw things up by doing the weak super on Gero , then the strong one on android 19 , then weak one against Gero.. even if Goku will do a 3 turn kill, here you want Piccolo or Vegeta to do the kill and they dont do as much damage with their Supers, so you need Goku to do one Weak and one Strong Super on each character. ( I happened to me at least one time that I did one Super on Gero then on 19 then switch back to gero and when I tried to finish him off with Piccolo, Gero still had a littly tiny bit of life left. So you need those strong Supers on both enemies then remove Goku before letting Piccolo defeat Dr.Gero. When Gero is defeated , recharge your Piccolo as much as you can for the next big fight then remove him to let SSJ Vegeta finish Android #19. When all is done.. Android #17 and Android #18 will show up (Android #16 will only show up if Goku is present and we did remove him earlier so no probs here, I have to see still ,if doing goku supers here is faster and if it can give 100points , next time I will try to see if there is a faster strat here because, wow, this fight can be so cruel.

So when 17 and 18 gets there vs your SSJ Vegeta, Replace him with Piccolo and SSJ Future Trunks(*Mirai no Trunks). This is a tough fight, they will counter a lot, but still try to have the advantage when you can, by starting a combo with one then switch to your assist to also combo and pick the one you want because there is no order. You only need Piccolo to defeat Android 17 and for SSJ Future Trunks to beat Android #18 but things may get sour... if you start you Super attack vs #17 as Piccolo, it needs to be a Makankosappo stronger super and not the Energy balls Super if you want a fast 3 turns. Hope for the best, the same stands for Trunks, if he don't get the Big Fireball Super on his first end up doing 4 turns.. Still trying to get a good run to this day :P with those fast 3 turns. Anway grats on finishing this stage, it's kinda hard to get fast since they will counter VERY often and aggressively. Still don't worry about the Connect requierements here, if you are as aggressive as they are, you should do easy 9 hit connects if not more. Only worry about Connects in the last 2 or 3 stages.


Start this by pressing Confirm and Character select screen rapidly so you Bring out only Goku and do 2 Supers Attacks on Cell (optional , it can be Gohan doing all the damage to Cell) There might be a very small difference of time between Goku and Gohan Supers. Anyway Goku have more range so it's easier to settle it now then let Gohan finish Errrhh,, yeah Do your 2 Supers on Cell as Goku then Let Cell do 2 of his Supers on Goku and bring out the character select screen. Remove Goku and replace him by Vegeta Krilin and Piccolo. Cell will create Cell juniors. When the animation is done , Cell will also leave the fight to his Juniors so press the character select screen to replace everyone and put only SSJ2 GOHAN and SSJ FUTURE TRUNKS. Cell will return to the battle will have 1 Cell Junior by his side at all time(i think they are infinite, you only need to kill 3 Cell Jr with Gohan but they respawn). You can focus on doing those 3 Cell Jr kills (*9 turns...its long) or also start by letting Cell do damage on Trunks if when they all appears , the computer gets the advantage. Make sure to manage your assist or it will cancel all the progress you made(*letting the computer have the Power Balance to their RED side). If you can try to use Aura as Gohan and just use regular punch and kick in the air without hitting. Try to waste energy to Gohan becomes tired and switch to Trunks to let Cell combo you. As Cell is near to bringing the power balance to their side prepare to be in the character select screen while Trunks gets beat up. When Trunks is killed.. remove Gohan and put Goku only. Let Cell kill Goku but remember to be in the character select screen (very important) while Goku is dying or else, Cell will go away and you will lose time for nothing when Cell comes back , everytime doing a small speech. So Select SSJ 2 GOHAN AND DESTROY CELL !!!!!!!! All should go well but still , Gohan have tiny range so be careful. And watch for those Counters. Blablabla Hi connect of at least : I really dont remember :P just dont worry if you are a combo master.


This can also be one of the hardest stage for a small moment. Start by using only SSJ Gohan Great Saiyaman vs Dabura. As the first starts Do your Down-Smash while in aura as you will already be in range . Don't Smash too much, extend your auto-combos instead since it can fill up the bar and it's less risky. When you did 2 Super attacks on Dabura as Gohan.. Majin Vegeta will join the enemy. Make sure to recharge Gohan before replacing him with Goku. Now this gets tricky, you need Vegeta to kill Goku, but Vegeta cannot even bring the balance to their side. Only Dabura can, so as Goku , target Dabura and let Dabura do 2 Super Attacks on you. Dabura should be super aggressive here but if not , Vegeta will screw things up by smashing you far from Dabura(without even doing the desired damage , smh) so when that happen instead quicly target smash Vegeta upward or somewhere to let Dabura combo you , but be careful here, you don't want Dabura to kill goku... so you switch target to Vegeta at the last moment , while Dabura is comboing Goku so that even if Vegeta cant do damage on the power balance, he will do the kill that is required for the 100points. Don't try to character select while Goku is dying, because most likely the computer will make your Goku Select Dabura at the last second and Dabura will kill you instead of Majin Vegeta....dead run if that happens. So After Goku is gone.. bring out Gohan only. Be careful to distance yourself from Vegeta while Smashing Dabura...Note that Dabura is only One super attack away from dying. so make it quick.. don't let Vegeta and Dabura gang up on you. Do your best to smash on the side and let the auto-combo fill up the Balance since it's still fast and less risky than doing Smashes. When Dabura is finally done, Majin Vegeta will join you camp and Majin Buu will appear. You can stack up some damage as Vegeta but remove him soon to let Gohan do at least ONE super on Majin Boo (as Vegeta can sometimes still only kill 4 turns if not lucky . The Final Flash is the strong Super here, but you could get unlucky and get more turns of that weak attack of his...(thats a shame...really Vegeta is best in the ps1 version of this game CONFIRMED LUL , sooo ... if you do 1 super with Gohan you will garantee a 3 turns kill later) After you did your Super as Gohan, let Majin Buu defeat you , and bring out the character select screen just before Gohan is defeated but it's a gamble. If KaioShin (Supreme Kai) or Goten say something it can take as much if not more time than if you didnt do this strat. Still go for swag dialogue. Go for KaioShin :) :) :) So... When Gohan is gone, bring out only Majin Vegeta, and proceed to get hit by 2 Supers from Majin Buu. Then you replace him by Trunks and Goten only for a brief moment then switch back to only Majin Vegeta, and show this Majin WHAT A REAL SAIYAN PRINCE IS MADE OF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOW NO MERCY !!!! NEed a Hi connect of atleast 8 here..


Start by spamming Confirm and Character select to put Goku on there. NICE STAGE HERE :) Start it up as SSJ3 GOKU TO THE THIRD POWER !!!!!!! :) As the fight begins vs Majin Buu, try to get beat up a little, just so that you can do a bigger combo. If you start a combo while the balance is in the middle, you might only get a 7 hit , but here you need a 9 hit connect to have all points so start off by grinding that off and the only good way is to take damage first on the balance, then try to shift it all the way doing DOWN SMASH AFTER DOWN SMASH while occasionally doing auto-combos to spice things up. When you did your 2 Supers on Majin Buu as SUPER SAIYAN GOKU TO THE THIRD POWER!!!!! still rack up some damage so you can make things easier for your upcoming Gotenks ;) so after the damage is done, replace him with only Goten and Trunks , which will auto-fuse into Gotenks once they get in the fight. With Gotenks be careful because his aura can drain your energy very fast...kinda.. so that's why we used Goku : i mean GOKU TO THE THIRD POWER !!!!! to make sure SSJ3 Gotenks doesn't have trouble here. Do the remaining 3rd Super attack on Majin Buu as Gotenks and now Mystic Gohan (Ultimate Gohan, Adult Gohan, best Gohan , you name it) joins the fight and so is the newly fleshed SUPER BUU!!!! Try to get the advantage as Gohan but remove it soon after and let SSJ3 GOTENKS do 2 Super attacks on Super Buu. Finally you replace Gotenks for Gohan and settle things with Super Buu!!! If you did the 9hit connect at the beginning of this stage you should have the full 100 points here(9hit is by no mean hard to pull off BUT, the computer can counter it so a ez 9hits becomes a lesser 5 hit...and if the balance is too much on your side, you need to get hit a lot to bring a big enough gap for you to be even able to land a 9hits before the power goes all the way to your side... to here i tell you WORRY ALOT ABOUT CONNECTS :) :) :) :)

STAGE 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW IT'S TIME FOR THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME !!!! This is the only stage where you don't have to manually select your Character at the beginning (maybe because Vegetto is the only one you can select) so Spam the character select button as soon as the stage starts.

Use SUPER VEGETTO well against Super Buu, your auto-combo and smashes are a lot stronger here. Not to mention Vegetto is SUPER FAST !!!!!!! and throw alot of KiBlasts (useless but still) so yeah, beat the crap out of that Super Boo in 3 turns. Then when Kid Buu appears ,the character select screen will come up for you to select someone because Super Vegetto is no longer here since the fusion ended. So select only SSJ GOKU TO THE THIRD POWER !! Do only 1 Super on Kid Buu. Then get hit 2 times by Kid Buu's Supers. That will cause Goku to drop his THIRD POWER form and go back to normal kaioken. BE QUICK, AND REPLACE HIM FOR VEGETA , as Goku is only 1 turn left from dying and Kid Buu is VERY AGGRESSIVE. When Vegeta Shows up , get also hit by 2 of Kid Buu's Supers. This will bring out the big Majin Buu to help you fight the evil Kid Buu. As soon as Majin Buu gets here to help, press the character select screen and see if Goku is preparing a Genkidama (if you select him too fast you might screw it up but also make sure you're not too slow since you don't want Kid Buu to have another turn at Vegeta .. because he might die if he receives another Super. (it wont kill the run but it's a time loss...) So..... like I said, As soon as you have Majin Buu at your side with Vegeta, switch to Goku *only if in the character select screen he is preparing a Genkidama with his hands up in the air., PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR, PUT YOUR HANDS UP. so yeah replace Vegeta for Goku (you cant remove Big Majin Buu) and try to wisely get hit a little without having your already almost dead Goku actually dying thus scraping all this run. So get hit just enough so you can actually try to land a 10 HIT CONNECT !!!! SHIT is not easy at all with normal Goku , since you can run out of Aura and If you try to hit wihout your Aura it will drain more. so in the end , hope that Kid Buu wont counter alot AND also for your assist Majin Buu to not screw a combo that you started... often this game will send your assist push the enemy your are comboing very far , without even going for a real combo...they just screw things up sometimes, and here is a very important time that you cant remove the assist, and must still land your full combo, so as the combo start, smash Kid Buu to the side or in the air , like very far from your assist. I wish you a good 10 hit.

If you don't get it now , hope for the next turn because next Super will kill Kid Buu for once !!! ( this took longer to write as expected but I still did it in one sitting )

ET VOILA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERCI BEAUCOUP !!!

                             SAYONARA MINNA

Current wr holder...I think?. waiting for a challenger :P :P :P I also want to see if someone have better strats :P Have a good day .

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