Publié 1 month ago par

New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE

Recently the number of players has increased and with this the game has become more competitive.

To ensure that the game does not have cheaters using [TAS], the rule "2.1 - Emulator requirements (Mandatory inputs recording)" was added as a means of facilitating the identification of legitimate Speedruns.

I ask that players check these new rules to avoid having their runs rejected. This measure is standard for super competitive games, such as Super Mario, Ultimate MK3 and others and in some games they have even stricter rules for emulator players.

Tutorial Show Inputs (Emulator):

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Publié 3 months ago par

The “speedruns” that surpass the top 3 best must be analyzed in detail to avoid errors. And they should be turned away if they don't follow the rules

Players new to

New records that surpass the top 3 best, by players new to or who do not have a history of being a skilled player (Videos of speedruns that demonstrate skills, in arcade mode, or freeride or mountain cross)

Guidance for moderators, standard response:

1) Slow Motion Game:

You're playing in slow motion for most of the race. This is not allowed. Your time cannot be accepted. Read the category rules.

2) SUSPECTED speedrun using [TAS]. (Warning signs):

You had an incredibly fast time with no crashes. It has no speedrun history and is playing a replay saved on the PC emulator. Your speedrun raises many suspicions of [TAS] use.

3) Proof of legitimate speedrun, player skill. (Guidance for suspected players):

Next time record a video playing the ARCADE, or MOUNTAIN CROSS or FREERIDE mode in full and send the video link in the description of your Record (speedrun).

Suspected players who have their speedrun refused by guidance 1 or 2 must receive guidance 3 and an explanation of why their speedrun was refused.

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Publié 7 months ago par

Eric Carter with Prototype:

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Publié 1 year ago par

Agora é possível baixar os Splits para o modo de jogo que você mais gosta de jogar, também tem o Layout speed que uso no LiveSplit e minha configuração do OBS para deixar o LiveSplit transparente. Para baixar os arquivos, vá na sessão "Resources".

Para a categoria Uphill só fiz os splits da Midoule FR para os outros níveis ainda tenho que verificar.

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New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE

New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE

Recently the number of players has increased and with this the game has become more competitive.

To ensure that the game does not have cheaters using [TAS], the rule "2.1 - Emulator requirements (Mandatory inputs recording)" was added

1 month ago
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