Pros: Faster, beating the game as fast as possible is good. Take it to it's limits!
Cons: LB mods need to check better for cheaters that abuse level select. (I believe it was possible to skip ahead). Also, makes the run more intense
I think we should definitely look into how much time it actually saves, and if the community is really split by it, making it a separate category could be an option.
For the record, I think that quitting to title and then going back feels too segmented to allow it, but definitely if its a big time save we should consider it further.
Great find by Orange though!
We have decided that quitting to the menu and continuing to skip the "level up" sequence between some levels will be allowed. As Riekelt brought up using the level select menu skips too much and thus will not be allowed. Use the continue button (top left on the main menu, in case you can't read chinese) only.