4 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

I am a new speedrunner, and after having invested in the OG DK, I have found myself also trying out this game. Problem is, I use Mesen, which is prohibited by the rules. Any reason why the most accurate emulator isn't allowed (is it not as accurate for this game?)?


Sorry, that this post was missed. Unfortunately, for now there is no feature on srcom to have information about new posts on forums, where you are mod, so it can be sometimes overlooked and gone among a lot of other info about runs. In any case, if someone stumbles upon this post, Mesen is ofc allowed, just missing from this list, but as stated in rules itself, most of others emulators are banned, but it doesn't mean all of them, so if you are uncertain, then it's best to ask. Soon, I will try to provide more thorough list of emulators.

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