Other category ideas
Massachusetts, USA


Disneyland Adventures isn't really a game you can "finish." (Other than maybe 100% completion, which seems near impossible.) Because there isn't a concrete ending, I had to be creative and come up with some sort of goal to achieve in order to "speedrun" the game.

This is how "All Autographs" was born. However, this category is certainly arbitrary and by no means the only way to speedrun Disneyland Adventures. Here are some other ideas I had for other speedrun categories (categorized from Most Fun to Least Fun ideas):

#Full Game Categories

##All Hidden Mickeys

  • This seems like the next best category compared to "All Autographs" (or perhaps even better).
  • This category seems particularly good because there's an in-game tracking system for the Hidden Mickeys. (You can check your Hidden Mickeys by using the Photo Albums in the main menu.)
  • There are 98 Hidden Mickeys in total. This category would probably be a little long, but doable in one sitting.

##All Adventure Pins

  • Would require you to do all the quests for all the characters.
  • Some of the quests are quite long. And there are 85 of them. This category could take a while.
  • The pins can be tracked in the Main Menu, so the category isn't super arbitrary, at least.

##All Attraction Pins

  • Would require you to ride every ride in the park and to get every secret on every ride.
  • Since pretty much every ride is an autoscroller, there's not much room for optimization once you get a good route.
  • Some of the rides are fun. But there's a lot of them. This category could take a while.
  • Again, tracked in the Main Menu, so not super arbitrary.

##All Collectible Pins

  • Probably not as fun as "All Adventure Pins."
  • Would mostly require you to grind money to buy the Collectible Pins from the various shops. Which could be tedious, I'd imagine.
  • Again, tracked in the Main Menu, so not super arbitrary.

##All Pin Badges

  • This would be the most feasible 100%-type category, imo. Once again, this category is appealing because the Pin Badges can be tracked in Main Menu.
  • The run would require you to 1) do each and every character's Adventure to get all the Adventure Pins, 2) Get all the secrets on all the attractions to get all the Attraction Pins, and 3) Buy all the Collectible Pins from each shop.
  • One day, perhaps someone stronger and braver than me may come around to do this category.

#IL Categories

Certain land-specific statistics are tracked in-game. Here are some ideas you can do for each land:

  • All Trash Cans (or any item that the wand can interact with)
  • All Autographs
  • All Hidden Mickeys
  • All Attraction


...and that's all I got. I find speedrun categories most appealing when they're not super arbitrary, which is why I proposed the categories above as alternatives. All of these are tracked in-game, so they make sense as goals.

But don't let me stop you from coming up with your own category ideas! If you have an idea you want to workshop, I'd love to help. Message me on Discord; there's a link in my speedrun.com profile!

Happy running!

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I know how an Any% Category can be done. After completing the main story missions, you do the Fireworks show game! Talking to Mickey after the fireworks show is technically the game's ending! I plan on doing that. I was going to do that much sooner but unfortunately i had a weak PC lol. Wish me luck with my new strong PC my friends ❤

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