7 years ago
Florida, USA

Hello, I would like to play KoD but don't want to have to keep re patching the original game. Is there anyway I can have 2 versions installed of dishonored? One with the down patch and one with KoD?

Massachusetts, USA
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Yes, just make a copy of the downpatch version and name it "Dishonored 1.2", verify integrity and the regular "Dishonored" folder will be 1.4. When you want to play on 1.2 just rename the 1.4 "Dishonored" to "Dishonored 1.4" and the "Dishonored 1.2" to "Dishonored".

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Florida, USA

Oh ok I'll give it a try. Thank you :D