Major Leaderboard Revamp!
Major Leaderboard Revamp!
Publié 1 month ago par

Hey Runners! I've noticed we don't use the news tab really so I decided to make a post about a major change for the boards. Firstly, we have combined Xbox, Playstation, PS-Vita, and WiiU. This was done due to how all of them act very similar in terms of gameplay, while loads and lag with vary from consoles it is suggested you use filters. PC and Wii will still be on their own as they are extremely different from consoles and eachother. Secondly, we added a sub-category for Any% with the options of "Unrestriced" and "No Episode Skips" and removed the whole category of NES so the board look more neat and together. There are a few more minor rule changes that I suggest you look through yourself to understand everything!

If you need anything remember to join and ask around in the speedrunning discord server! Join Here!

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Major Leaderboard Revamp!

Hey Runners! I've noticed we don't use the news tab really so I decided to make a post about a major change for the boards. Firstly, we have combined Xbox, Playstation, PS-Vita, and WiiU. This was done due to how all of them act very similar in terms of gameplay, while loads and lag with vary from c

1 month ago
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