Adding some decimals to the leaderboard
6 years ago
Stockholm, Sweden

Hello! I've been grinding this game more than what is healthy and I just tied Yogi's world record. The thing is that Yogi is still about 0.5 faster so I was wondering if we can add tenth of a second to the leaderboard?

I'm determined to continue the grind and hope to get a 2:29 in the coming days, but it might be useful for upcoming wr wars. :)

JeedUnit aiment ceci
Colorado, USA

Currently 2 frames faster by my count but yeah adding ms would be nice at least for the top spot.

JeedUnit aiment ceci

Wow I'm really sorry for the delay. I realized that I wasn't getting any forum post notification by default.

That said, I think it's indeed a good idea. I'll work on it when I'll have the time probably later today.


I added the ms to the leaderboard and made it "required" for runs under 2:40. Let me know if you think I should make it higher or lower. I'm pretty hesitant with it considering the last split is really hard to get correctly.

I've also edited the runs affected by it. Feel free to double check and correct me if I'm wrong :)

Stockholm, Sweden

Thanks a lot! And no worries about the delay, we haven't been very active here either. ;)

I'd say below 2:35, or 2:30 even, should be enough. I think the ms will be mostly useful for future wr fights since we're getting closer and closer to the "optimal" rng, at least with these strats. With new runners or more wr attempts, times below 2:35 will be losing placements on the leaderboard. Just my 2c.

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