Dark Souls III Boss Rush
6 years ago

Hey there i want to complete the Dark Souls III bossrush speedrun. The problem is that everyone in this section startet with ancient wyvern and so on. But if i run the boss rush mod it starts with gundyr then vordt,then tree etc. Is that a problem?


The reason people do it that way is because ancient wyvern and yhorm don't require you to have any damage; the bosses are ordered in the fastest way possible (where applicable). If you want to do it a different way, no, that is not a "problem" but keep in mind you will be doing yourself a disservice in terms of speed

Daravae, puer et 2 autres aime ceci

Ohh okay thanks a lot man!

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Starting today, new submissions to the leaderboards require the game sound to be audible. Game music is excluded from this requirement.

This change shouldn't have a noticeable impact on submissions and common practice. However, we felt it is important to define this requirement in the ruleset.

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