Blindfolded% Question
2 years ago
Minnesota, USA

So for blindfolded% are you allowed to use audio cues? I know you’re not allowed to use visual cues (obviously) but are audio cues allowed?

gnrts, Gaming_64, et Fern11011 aime ceci
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

only in game audio cues, the sounds/musics of the game, any help by external music or audio is banned

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
Minnesota, USA

ok thanks!

Gaming_64 et Fern11011 aime ceci
Minnesota, USA

1 more question: are checkpoints allowed for blindfolded?

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
Minnesota, USA

i'm almost done practicing abaro woods but it uses a checkpoint and i'm wondering if that's ok

Gaming_64 et Fern11011 aime ceci

i would still ask but there is not a rule against it

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
Minnesota, USA


Gaming_64 aiment ceci
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Yes, checkpoints are allowed

Gaming_64 aiment ceci