Board update
5 months ago

Hello everyone, I have made several updates to the board:

  • Added all custom cups (88 Tracks) for version 1.5.
  • Added versions.

-- New runs needs to specify the version of CTGP-7 used, similarily to other CTGP boards.

-- Version ranges have been broken down each time an update changed or added a track, or changed a major gameplay feature (new items, itricks, ...)

-- This is useful for categories where tracks have changed over versions, which could make certain WRs unbeatable.

-- All current runs have their version unspecified. If you run into a case like mentionned above (unbeatable time due to changes made over versions) please let me know.

-- Leaderboard postions will remained unchanged regardless of the version, as to not empty the boards, due to the low amount of runs. You can still display boards per version using the filters.

  • Added 200cc category for Individual Cups.
  • Added the new cups from 1.4 and 1.5 for Individual Cups.

I hope this update will make this board more active. If you have ideas for new categories, feel free to make a sample run and message me, I'd be happy to add your category ideas!

Modifié par l'auteur 5 months ago
MKWilliam aiment ceci

As suggested, I have added a new category: All Blue Coins!

In this category, simply collect all blue coins in all tracks, original and custom.

  • In Game Time (IGT) is used. IGT is calculated based on the timer shown on screen. The value used for each track is the value shown when the "Blue Coin collected" message appears on the bottom screen.
  • Blue Coins can be collected in Time Trials or Versus mode. You may use both during a single run. Versus mode enables better strategies for certain tracks, so use it wisely! (Hint: Bombs can be used to go over short walls)
  • Number is blue coins is bound to increase should new cups be added in a future update (likely 1.6). Just like the All Tracks category, this category will be split when that happens.

As always, any CTGP-7 specific settings may be used (ITricks, Improved Brake Drifting...). Keep in mind that blue coins simply will not appear if CC Selector is enabled.