Due to my ignorance with the settings within this game, I did not realize there was a setting to disable overwrite. I pursued this game over other coloring games because it did not allow for the back-and-forth spam to finish each picture and required a bit of time and accuracy to complete each level.
As a result, I will be making a 3rd category and modifying a pre-existing category - these categories are now "No Bucket With Overwrite", "No Bucket Without Overwrite", and "With Bucket" for Individual Levels.
If you think this is in poor taste, let me know, I won't do it immediately - I do want to hear feedback for this.
The overwrite setting is found in the 4 cube setting icon, and by selecting the lock instead of the default "1" box setting.
EDIT: I have made the new category. If you disagree with this decision, feel free to contacting me, I am open to discussion.