New trick to skip several cutscenes
4 years ago

Hello! As there do not seem to be any better place to post this I do it here, but I have found this, what I at least assume is a new, trick to skip several of the unintended to be skipable cutscenes! Saving minutes of doing nothing if you can get all of them.

Here is a video where I try to go over how the skips work:

But in short, this makes use of the spell wheel (or weapon wheel) to overwrite the game locking you from moving your character, as it have property's to change what control works itself. As well as the fact that it has a delay after you press the button until it actually becomes active, letting you overwrite control mid cutscene. Tho there are more weird things going on depending on what cutscene, I do point on some more details on how some cutscenes are different in yt desc.

On another note, I have a question if someone else knows about a fix for missing URL on saves? Meaning broken saves when doing save jump ladders. I suspect it is just my very bad PC that can't keep up with the spam of save and load, but you never know if there is some way to fix it as it tend to lose a good bit of time every run.

C7AY et MisterMunkki aime ceci

Ok, I have found a little more. Tho it effectively only saves about 3s as of now tho.

But the cutscenes that are 'unskipable', with the spellwheel trick, have a way to move within the cutscenes. If you get the skip timing with the spellwheel you get a few (1-3ish) frames where you can control and input things. But not only that, any direction you input will keep moving after your inputs get locked still. And for some reason you can 'bounce' on some walls too.

Allowing for this cool trick to activate a cutscene within a cutscene:

So to explain a bit, I use the 'ViewTeam' command that is left over in the game too change camera so that we can see what is going on (every entity has a camera for some reason). And cutscenes works by changing the camera to a camera used for the cutscene, and in this case your player camera gets teleported to the location you will later arrive at just as the cutscene starts.

Sadly I think this is the only unskipable cutscene this is useful for. The 1st of the 2 butler cutscenes do apparently not have the loading trigger active until after it ends (you can save maybe 0.5s or so by standing inside the area beforehand). The 2nd butler cutscene takes place behind closed doors. Most other unskipable cutscenes are located at the end of a level so nothing too move into.

Tho there may be some more potential for turning 'unskipable' cutscenes 'skipable'. There is still some weird things going on with why cutscenes are skipable.

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