Sprinting without using stamina
7 years ago
Texas, USA

I've noticed while messing around in the game if you consecutively smash the b and r1 fast you can run without using up the stamina wheel. But if you mess it up it does the annoying throwing animation. And you have to have a weapon or it won't work.

I did a little test sprint from point A to point B with running without b/r1 smashing and one with b/r1 smashing. Saving about 5-6 seconds for a small distance with 5 mess ups. I then did the test sprint again without any mess ups and saved up to 7-8 seconds. Which will probably add up to minutes saved in a run.

But is it viable and is it worth the time it would save?

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Texas, USA

If you hold whistle and mash sprint then sprinting doesn't take any stamina at all, which is the easiest way to sprint infinitely. What you're talking about does the same thing but is just more challenging to do. It is actually slightly slower than normal sprinting, so it's better to sprint normally using most of your stamina, then whistle sprint until you regain your stamina.

Texas, USA

It's not hard when you get the gist of it, besides Whistling sprinting finger placement just seems a little inconvenient to me even if it's infinite. It's easier to b/r1 since you can do inbetween movements. I'd say it would be preference. And they're all actually the same speeds doing them side by side. But I noticed b/r1 smashing while using all the stamina is a second or two faster.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago