New Load Remover / Auto-Splitter
1 year ago
United States

For those who don't know already, I created a brand new auto-splitter and load remover that works for the new timing methods. For anyone who will be submitting full-game runs on PC, it is recommended that you use this. It will make verifying runs a faster process. Download link in the resources tab with instructions on how to activate it.

Harmful_Breeze aiment ceci
United States

Also if anyone runs through any problems with the load remover or auto-splitter while it is active, let me know and I will figure out a fix.

United States

Just another note that based on how the load remover times the runs, there is a slightly new timing method (that includes the new world white infinite loads and the level load-out sequences) so I will be retiming everyone's runs eventually.

EDIT: All runs have been retimed, let me know if I missed your run

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
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